𝐢𝐢. 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬

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"Did you see how insane he was. He took down Woo-jin with one blow straight to the liver'' Nam-gi exalted as he walked alongside his sister.

The sun had hidden behind the skyscrapers of Seoul. The night city life awoke, and people flocked to the streets either retiring from work, going out to clubs or going home after school. Nari had taken the initiative to walk Nam-gi home from school, it was the little things she did for her brother that he would never experience with their comatose father. Her hands were shoved deep in her pockets, so deep as to retain some warmth lost from the night air. Their masks covered their noses, to their chin, a staple now that the Covid 19 pandemic was at its peak. Everything had gone to shit the second the virus had spread across the globe, she would know. It changed her family's life forever.

"The whole school was watching. I can't believe Kim Geon-woo is rookie champion. Isn't he great" Nam-gi gushed as he bounced on his heels, glancing up at his sister whose eyes crinkled joyously. " I can definitely believe. He's really good isn't he" she egged as they came to a stop by the traffic light.

"You could take him" Nam-gi said, his chest puffed with full confidence. Nari couldn't help but laugh. It was known her whole life she wanted to be a boxer, compete in tournaments and go international. However, that dream became nothing more than a nightmare when that very same dream ripped the life from her mother and her father as well. She would never forgive herself, her father wouldn't either and she knew her dream of being a boxer was something she could only live through the screen on her phone and through the likes of Kim Geon-woo.

"Keep dreaming kid" she said as she ruffled his hair. "You think I could get an autograph now that he's champion. I know my friends would freak" he said, beaming up at her as she lifted his mask higher up his nose that began to slip from his constant jumping.

'We can try" she said. "But it's very unlikely, Seoul's a big place'' she reminded as the light flashed green. They had made it two steps off the road when a force came barrelling into her. A startled gasp left her lips, her balance faltering as she stumbled back. A hand shot out, circling around her lower back and catching her fall.

"I'm so sorry" a rushed voice filled her ears. Nari's eyes shot up to her traducer. His hand still firmly locked on her back as his doe eyes rounded in panic. He quickly stepped back, stabilising her before bowing deep in apology.

"I should've seen where I was going. I'm so sorry miss'' he said, nervousness pooling in his eyes as her brother suddenly latched onto her sleeve, a glare peeking through his mask which narrowed at the man.

"YAH, are you blind you could've-"the boy paused, catching a good look at the man before his eyes flickered to the duffle bag which had been dropped in the process, gold peeking from the zip and Nari would've laughed at the way his eyes blew wide and he staggered into her arms. Nari was quick to catch him, the man's hands shooting out to help the boy but Nam-gi's screech echoed into the night, rattling everyone.

"Nam-gi" Nari hissed but the boy couldn't tear his eyes away from the man. He looked ready to faint.

"Nam-gi. Enough" Nari went to tug him away. "You're scaring-'' she tried, seeing the man looking at them anxiously.

"You're Kim Geon-woo" Nam-gi breathed in awe and Nari, as well as the man froze.

"How did you-" Geon-woo muttered surprised as Nari whipped her head up, catching a glimpse of his face when she began drawing two and two together.

He was tall, strong built beneath the puff of his jacket. His hair fell flat, just before his eyes but that didn't deter the almost boyish nature etched across his face. But the dead giveaway was his eyes. His eyes told her everything she needed to know. And Nam-gi was right, before her was the man she had just a few hours ago watched mop the floor with Hong Woo-jin to claim the 2020 rookie champion title. Now he stood before her, a fidgety man who wasn't watching where he was going. He looked just as startled before he let a smile slip onto his face aimed at the young boy in his sister's arms.

Goen-woo let out a measly hi and that triggered Nari to clamp her hand over Nam-gi's mouth before he exploded.

"I'm so sorry for him"Nari expressed as Nam-gi wriggled in her grasp, his fingers clawing at her hands as she wrestled against him, shooting Geon-woo an apologetic smile behind her mask. '' He's just a fan. No worries about earlier, it was an accident. It's best we get going" she said as she bowed, Geon-woo's eyes lingering on her as she forcefully manoeuvred her brother away from the man. 

They had gotten a few steps before she turned around and from over her shoulder she called to him. "And, congrats on rookie champion" she said as Geon-woo turned back, hiking his bag across his shoulder.

Geon-woo paused, attempting to thank her when he stopped, seeing she was already  halfway down the street, thwacking the back of her brother's head as he threw his arms up in exasperation. Geon-woo's lips lifted in a smile, a weird feeling settling in his chest as his eyes dropped to his feet. Chuckling, he turned but not before sparing one last look over his shoulder and continuing his way back home but not without a certain ravenette lingering in his mind.   


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