𝐱𝐱𝐱. 𝐇𝐲𝐠𝐠𝐞

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Nari did not think she was a bad person.

She had her moments of course but she wouldn't consider herself to be one. But the more she thought about, the more she came to terms with the position she was in. Maybe she was.

Im Jang-do's screams still rang vividly in her ears as she sped down the highway, the two cars following swiftly behind as they made their way back to the Choi household. Nari decided she wanted her bike, she needed some air and some moment of reprieve to process everything.

Nari was not a bad person.

But she felt like one. She had dragged Geon-woo and Woo-jin into this façade, decided to ignore the dishonest lifestyle her family dabbled in and she didn't come to Jang-do's aid as he pleaded, screamed and grovelled for his life. She merely turned away.

Was that the qualities of a bad person?

Kim Myeong-gil was a bad person, that she knew for sure. Im Jang-do too had done some pretty awful stuff but so did Yang-jung, Du- yeong and Mr Choi to reach the position they were in now. She was an accomplice to murder, torture, trespassing, the lot. But her intentions were pure right? She was doing it for the better good?

She was not a bad person... right?

After she had retreated to the room, Jang-do's screams became muffled, she couldn't seem to find it in herself to hate any of them. Because without them she would be dead and it would've been Myeong-gil's  fault. Hell, had she not fought Jang-do and won, he would've killed her too. So why was she feeling guilty. They did not deserve her guilt or sympathy. Nari knew she had blood on her hands, she knew she could never go back from what she'd done to ensure her family's survival and she simply did not care.

So if that made her a bad person than so be it. She was tired of letting people like Myeong- gil ruin her life. She would do worse if it came to it. She had to. For her family. For herself. But most of all, for her mother.

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