𝐱𝐱𝐯. 𝐑𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬

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Another hour had passed, and they were nowhere closer to finding them then they had before.

Morale was at an all-time low and Geon-woo was one word away from exploding, Woo-jin was set off by the most random of things, Da-min was not helping with her sarcasm and whips and Hyeon-ju was on the verge of grabbing her taser and finding Nari herself. They didn't realise how much Nari was keeping the group together. To see she was the glue keeping them from falling apart and without her they were doing just that.

"I think-"Da-min went to intercede when suddenly Geon-woo's phone lit up. They all sprang from their seats and Geon-woo nearly jumped the table as he lunged for his phone. Mr Oh's name flashed on screen and he spared his friends a wavered glance until Woo-jin gently swiped answer and placed in on speaker.

"You dumbass punks" Myeong-gil came into view. They couldn't make out where exactly he was but it was nowhere pleasant judging from the grime on the widows, mold on the walls and the one light swinging dangerously in the middle of the room. " Why do you not listen?"

"Myeong-gil" Geon-woo hissed and the man in question lit up.

"Ah Geon-woo how you been kid. You're looking a little rough around the edges there" he said, voice crackling over the phone. "But I must say you are looking way prettier than your girlfriend here. Yikes" he inhaled, his face twisting and then grinning.

"Where is she Myeong-gil?" he fumed but the man just shrugged.

"Look, kids, this whole thing has blown out of proportion. Nothing had to have gone the way it had if you guys had just listened. We wouldn't be in this situation alright. But then you had to go and burn my safe and beat my men and I was forced to retaliate" he said.

''Myeong-gil" Geon-woo called his name forcefully, his voice betraying his anger.

''Jeez kid, when did you become so hard"' Myeong-gil muttered. " You were such a softy when we first met but now look at you. All angry and demanding. Look at that glare. You should thank me honestly. I made you stronger" he said and then laughed. "But this needs to stop now" he simmered and a serious look passed over his face.

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