𝐢. 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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It was everywhere.

It pooled around his feet then gradually rose until his clothes were tight against him, neck buried against a sea of red and then he was drowning in it. Choking. His vision blurred crimson, and the screams followed on command.


His head whipped, the blood suffocating as her voice echoed distantly but ever so distinctly in his ears. She called his name so softly, so dearly yet her tone had somehow sent a shiver down his spine. It felt unreal, leery as if something wasn't quite right.  She called his name once more and he felt her voice lull him into resignation. He blinked, dazed and he unconsciously gravitated towards the sound like a siren call. 

Had she come to save him once more.

"Nari" he slurred, blood sliding down his throat.


A figure materialised before him from a shadow, darkness washing over her and revealing her long dark hair, pleasant smile and grinning eyes. Her name fell from his lips like a breath of fresh air. He tried and failed to move, his brows furrowing as he glanced at the blood seeming to grow a more violent shade of red. When he glanced up, he wanted to scream. Nari remained grinning, head tilted with a more grim snarl in her eyes and a big gaping hole in the middle of her chest. The wound dripped with liquid fire and he watched as it flowed towards him and suddenly the blood felt crushing. 

His screams merged with others, voices of whom he heard before, of those he cherished, before it overpowered his own and he became nothing in the void of eternal regret. 

Regret that everyone had died for this plan, a plan he fuelled to quench his thirst for revenge. Regret that his actions had resulted in the death of the people Nari loved and of which he too learned to care for. Regret that his brother laid frozen in time and fighting to survive and Nari. Beautiful, perfect Nari. His regret swallowed him whole.  He should've saved her, he should've never left her, he should've protected her, he should be laying there not her. 

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