𝐯𝐢. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤

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When Geon-woo came to, he was awoken by blinding florescent lights. His eyes shut involuntary; lidden eyes hidden behind purple swells. Two nurses flocked his side. One dabbling ice on his cheek, carefully picking out sharples of glass from his knuckles while another was stitching the hideous scar he knew would soon develop.

"I promise I'm okay".

Despite the flares of pain that shot through his body and the stinging in his face, his ears perked up at the familiar voice.

"Just rest, your ribs need some time to heal, and the bruises should be gone in a couple of days." He heard an unfamiliar voice say. Geon-woo screwed his eyes shut as the nurse finished her stiches, placing a cool bandage over his cheek that let a sigh of relief leave his lips.

"Mr Kim" the nurse said as he blinked. Once, twice, before fully registering the nurse at his side. "You're free to leave, but please come back in a few days to remove the stiches" she said. He barely managed a nod.

His blurry eyes found home on the wall; a clock ticked by with the hospital name plastered within it. It was past 11pm at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital. Geon-woo sat up with a wince. His shirt was sprayed with droplets of red, his green jacket was laid out to the side. He could only imagine how it looked. He had managed to pry the curtain away, revealing the bustling hospital lobby.

"You've seen better days"

Geon-woo turned at the sound of her remark. Sarcasm seemed to drip on her tongue as her legs dangled over the hospital bed. He noticed how the swelt of her eye had begun turning a squeamish blue with yellow tints here and there. A small bandage secured itself over her nose and he could vaguely make out the bandages peaking from her shirt.

"It's luckily just a fracture, nothing too serious" she said when she noticed how defeated he look, the way his doe eyes downturned into sadness and guilt. "It'll heal sooner than yours" she said softly as she noticed the large bandage that was plastered on his cheek, from the corner of his eye right down to his chin.

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