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" NO! NO! NO!"



Screams of different voices merged, one shouting over the other with rapid fingers smashing controllers, bodies half up in the air and multiple eyes glued to the screen at the middle of the mantle. Characters danced on a screen and the shouting grew more frantic. There was a moment of total chaos until the one character lunged and a huge bold orange and red K.O jumped on screen.

The room split into cheers and groans simultaneously.

Nari slumped into the couch, the controller laying defeated in her lap while Woo-jin scooped up a roaring Nam-gi, flinging him into the air as the two whooped and hollered, pointing fingers at Nari with elated grins at her downturned and pouted lips.

"You cheated" she huffed but a small smile teased her lips as Nam-gi raised his hands in victory, perched on Woo-jin's shoulders while the man paraded him across the room.

"It was a mistake buying him that game" Hyeon-ju muttered. She was dressed down in a simple plain black shirt, laying languidly across the chair with a bottle of soju in hand watching the intense match with a quirk of her eyebrow.

" I think it was a mistake having Woo-jin play it instead" Nari chuckled as Geon-woo dropped onto the seat beside her, throwing his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into his side.

" He's a kid at heart" Nari hummed as said man dropped Nam-gi to the floor and snatched the controller from her hand and plopped himself next to her brother on the floor, preparing to go for another round.

" You spoil him too much" Nari said as Ms Yoon came into the kitchen, a tray of fruits and sweet treats laid in a charcuterie style board of which she placed on the coffee table in the middle of the room, Nam-gi was quick to grab at the chocolates in the corner.

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