𝐱. 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

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It came to her surprise when the boys pulled up to Mr Hwang's sushi restaurant. Confused and slightly concerned, she gently unclasped herself from Geon-woo.

Did Mr Hwang and Mr Choi know each other or was it just a coincidence Mr choi chose the restaurant to meet with Geon-woo? She wasn't sure about Mr Hwang's relationship with Mr Moon nor how affiliated they were with one another. She only ever heard their interaction once on a phone call, so Nari  just brushed off her sudden scepticism by assuming Mr Moon recommended the restaurant due to his connection with Mr Hwang.

As she entered the restaurant, the bell chiming overhead, a weird feeling weighed in her chest. Something wasn't siting right when Mr Hwang rounded from the corner. His stoic gaze briefly flickered to hers, and a flash of shock passed over his features. He hadn't expected her to have been so closely affiliated with Geon-woo for her to attend this meeting. But he hid his resolve well.  Nari noticed how easily he slipped on his mask of indifference, shoulders squaring and chest puffed. It was hard not to be intimidated. And he sure succeeded as both Geon-woo and Woo-jin grew a few shades pallor.

"Kim Geon-woo" he said as the boy nodded, stepping forward as Mr Hwang directed him to a hidden booth at the back of the restaurant that concealed Mr Choi. Woo-jin took a step to follow his friend but Mr Hwang's hand shot out faster than his boxing reflexes could handle and halted the boy in his tracks. Woo-jin's happy go lucky grin faltered. Geon-woo who was reluctant , glanced over his shoulder at the pair. Woo-jin waved him off with a reassuring but disappointed grin and Nari sent him a smile of encouragement. With a deep breath he entered what awaited his fate.

"Nari, can we talk?" Mr Hwang said gruffly, and Woo-jin tuned to her in surprise but she didn't break her unwavering stare on Mr Hwang. The feeling of deceit ripped through her heart. What was he hiding from her?

"You know him-"Woo-jin exclaimed as Nari nodded.

"He's my boss " she said and Woo-jin looked on the verge of a mental breakdown, his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish as he scrambled for words.

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