𝐱𝐢𝐱. 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡

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"What was that?"

Nari made her way through the stores, stepping carefully over pieces of left over debris while Hyeon-ju trailed after her, the event of what she'd witnessed her friend do still reeling in her mind.

"I don't know what you're taking about" Nari dismissed, her tone clipped as if to tell her to drop it. Hyeon-ju pushed her feet faster, rounding in front of Nari who stopped with a deep irritated sigh as the shorter woman blocked her from brushing past and continuing on her way.

"Hyeon-ju" Nari warned but the woman in question shook her head adamantly.

"What happened back there?" Hyeon-ju persisted, her hand outstretched as if to physically stop her from pushing past.

''Does it even matter? " she muttered. Hyeon-ju raised her brow, stance firm and Nari bit back a retort. " Look, I understand they're pieces of shit, but don't you think it was a little bit too far."

Nari scoffed, loud and offended, and Hyeon-ju was startled to see a rather dark look in Nari's eyes. " A bit too far. You heard what they said right? And you think I took it too far. " she took a step forward, her voicing raising and Hyeon-ju found herself taking a step back.

"Do you think it was too far when Myeong-gil and his men destroyed Geon-woo and his mother's café? Do you think it was too far when they not only ruined yours, Geon-woo's and my life? Do you think it was too far when he killed your grandfather? When he killed Mr Kwan and Mr Hwang and made me watch as they bled out and I could do nothing to help them? Do you think it was too far when his men stabbed Woo-jin three times over and then burnt your house to the ground? Do you think it was too far when we watched everyone we love die because we didn't want to go too far"

Hyeon-ju watched, eyes wide and tearful as Nari heaved with an anger she'd never encountered before blackened her gaze. She was towering over Hyeon-ju by now, so close and her words like knives in her heart. She had never expected Nari, her Nari, her kind and caring, jovial best friend to ever say such things to her. Hyeon-ju couldn't believe her eyes that the Nari before her felt like a broken shell of the woman she'd befriended long ago.

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