𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐝

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Turns out Hong Woo-jin did know a place. It was no rib eye (much to Geon-woo's dismay) but Woo-jin vouched for it, saying it was just as good.

It was a quaint food market type stall hidden in a small alleyway that seemed like a little treasure away from the world. It was the type of getaway eatery that felt more like home than a restaurant. Well, that's what Woo-jin said when he told them it was routine to visit after every practice. With a warning of don't say a word and just eat, Woo-jin opened the door and the smell of kimchi stew wafted into the air.

Nari kept close to Geon-woo as Woo-jin threw open the doors with an ecstatic grin. An old woman who had been sitting at one of the tables cleaning cutlery glanced up and at the sight of the twenty-seven-year-old, perked up in joy. Woo-jin was just as happy, opening his arms in greeting as he rocked her from side to side.

Nari met Geon-woo's warm eyes, their expression softened. This side of Woo-jin came as a pleasant surprise. It was cute.

"It's so good to see you auntie" Woo-jin cooed as the woman kept him in arm's length. "Three orders of stir fry" he told her as she caught sight of the two slightly awkward twenty-five-year-olds behind him.

''My, are these your friends Woo-jin?" she cooed as she meandered him out the way, clasping her warm hands in Nari's and Geon-woo's. "You're so pretty dear" she told Nari who flushed, bowing in embarrassment as Geon-woo beamed from behind his mask.

"Yes, yes auntie. " Woo-jin dismissed, his face twitching uncomfortably as she unlatched herself from the pair and disappeared into the kitchen. Woo-jin guided the pair to a table, siting opposite them as the woman got to work. Nari could already tell from the smell it was going to be heavenly.

" So" Woo-jin said, leaning back in his chair as Nari and Geon-woo glanced at it each other. " Who's your contact?" he urged.

"You know Mr Moon right" Nari said as Woo-jin's expression faltered, his eyes widening a fraction before he gave her a stiff nod.

"How did you know that?" he asked inquisitively as she gave him a shrug of indifference.

''I hear things through the grapevine. But anyway, in order for you to contact the man who will help you, you got to go through him first" she said.

"You sure this 'contact' will help Geon-woo" Woo-jin said sceptically.

"Well, he helped me" she said. "I have full confidence he will help you" Nari told Geon-woo who nodded, sending her a small smile as Woo-jin's lips parted, a noise of disbelief leaving his lips.

"Yah, why you helping him anyway?" Woo-jin said suspiciously as Nari frowned and Geon-woo's eyebrows shot to his forehead.

"Woo-jin" he warned as Nari hid her irritation.

"Why are you?" she fired back.

''He's my friend?" Woo-jin proclaimed.

"Ms Yoon is basically family and Geon-woo, is a friend?" Ooh she didn't like how she phrased that. Friend? seriously. But wait was he. I mean people who get beat up together, fight together right. It was like an unspoken connection that their fates were intertwined now. Did that make them friends?

She didn't notice the way Geon-woo's gaze faltered, a hidden disappointment that went undetected by her but definitely not by Woo-jin who sat back with a triumphant smile on his face.

Oh this was going to get good, he chuckled in his head.

"I see'' Woo-jin grinned. "Oh, would you look at that, food's here" the man said as Nari released a breath.

The rest of the evening was spent with light-hearted banter and fond conversations. Nari never really had this, genuine friends. It had been so long since she was taken out to a restaurant, her mind clearing for a few hours and genuine laughter to escape her. At first, she was wary of Woo-jin but their friendship began to feel a little less awkward and a lot more natural. The three gelled together, like pieces of a puzzle finally joining. Nari hadn't laughed as much as she did when she was with them.

Nari smiled when Geon-woo placed a piece of beef in her bowl, immediately jumping back into conversations with Woo-jin as he threw his head back with a stream of laughter. 

As Nari glanced at the two of them, a feeling of safety and security warmed her heart. Maybe with them around, things wouldn't be so bad. 

Short and a bit boring

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Short and a bit boring. I just needed a filler.😭

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