𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯. 𝐒𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝

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He couldn't breathe. Dammit, he couldn't breathe.

She was there one moment and then she was gone. It was the incident all over again. She was with him one moment, in his arms, smiling and laughing and the next she was in his arms but cold and dying.

Now, now he had no idea where she was. She was here with him and then she wasn't.

Nari was missing.

It had been a little over three hours and she had not returned. He had decided to go look for her instead. She had messaged him an hour and a half ago to say she was on her way back with food and a smiley face and then that was it. His messages went unopened and unread, his calls went to voicemail, and she was just not answering.

Woo-jin and Hyeon-ju tried and failed to soften his worry, saying she was probably fine despite their faces betraying their own concern. Da-min offered a lousy joke saying she may have run away to get away from all the clinging they were doing. The joke fell flat, and she remained silent for the rest of the night opting to just watch them pace and mull over her whereabouts.

His nails were bitten down to its nubs and then he couldn't take it anymore. He rushed out the apartment and down to the lobby and out the door until halting in place, he nearly flew forward from how quick his sudden abruption was. Geon-woo couldn't describe the emotion he felt when he glanced down and at his feet was cold spilled food and a cell phone, cracked across the screen but untouched.

He had stumbled against the wall, phone pressed against his chest and head whipping from side to side in hopes to catch even the slightest glimpse of raven hair. But there was nothing, nobody, the streets were quiet and he cursed because for once he was relying on the bustling streets of Seoul to protect them and not curse them.

"fck" he cursed, and he squeezed his eyes shut, hoping the tears in his eyes would not seep out. "fck fck fck" he let her go again. He took his eyes off her, he let her leave his sight because she assured him she needed some space and she had disappeared again. She could very well, and probably is, it was the only reason that made sense, in Myeong-gil's clutches. - the one man he vowed to protect her from.

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