𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥

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"That's how he got his nickname as the Achilles killer. "Du-yeong finished with a smug smile while Nari looked at her boss, wide eyed and slightly disturbed.

They were telling her about their lives as bloodhounds. Working under Mr Choi was anything but the contemporary white picket fence life they tried to disillusion themselves in.

One wouldn't think the family man Du-yeong was an executioner or how many heels the sashimi chef had sliced open, would rival the many fish he slaughtered. Mr Kwan was just as surprising. She had never thought he too could hurt so much as a fly, rather choosing the art of sashimi instead of illegal escapades. But for some reason, as much as she found some of their stories unsettling, she couldn't find herself to change her opinion about them. To her. they would always be Uncle Lee, Mr Kwan and Boss man Hwang. Three people who looked out for her as if she was their own.

Yang-jung was in the middle of telling her a humorous story about Mr Kwan's first job. Said man slumped in his seat, flushed in embarrassment and looking as if he wanted to stab the chopstick through Yang-jung's eye but wouldn't as he was vastly intimidated by his senior. Instead, he merely took the blow with a sigh and grumbles of protest while Nari tried and failed to conceal her laughter. Her phone vibrated before her alarm rang, promptly silencing the three as they all turned their heads to glance at her in confusion.

Nari winced, raising her phone and silencing it with the swipe of her finger. "I forgot about that" she said before looking at them apologetically. " I need to go. I forgot I had to fetch Nam-gi from his friend's tonight. It slipped my mind" she grimaced, pocketing her phone and sliding out of the booth.

Du-yeong nodded, glancing at his watch before shooting his long time friend a glance. "I should also head back, Mi-kyung is probably expecting me. Do you need a lift?" his question was directed at Nari who waved him off. "No need, they're around the corner."

"It's pretty late" Mr Kwan frowned, concern seeping into his tone but Nari just grinned.

''Don't worry Mr K, no one wants a piece of this" she jested awkwardly, flexing her arm.

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