2. Forbidden Words

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Yeon Yi-joo

“But, they stole my song!”

“You can file a complaint against them, but-”

“I'll file a complaint then”, I didn't bother to listen to the police officer completely.

“Listen hakseang, I understand that you feel wronged, but aren't you an idol trainee? Getting involved in this stuff will affect your image. And still, you say you don't mind, then it's fine. But you are going against the daughter of the biggest agency in the country, they'll make your life miserable. And unfortunately, the world revolves around money. They are capable of doing stuff which might backfire at you. Yet still, if you want to file a complaint, go ahead. I'll need you guardian to sign the documentation as you are still a minor”

“So you mean I need influential and rich parents to get my song back?”

I was baffled after listening to the police officer's explanation.

I'm so sorry hakseang, this is for you”

That was it.

“I understand”, I stood up from the chair and walked towards the exit of the police station.

After listening to my song played in the studio with Park Jia's voice, I went to meet our main producer. He was the only one who heard the song and asked me to give him the file for reference. I was naive. I shouldn't have given him the song's file. When I sternly confronted and asked him to give it back to me, he started to pretend that the song was not mine and said that it was Jia's.

Hakseang! Wait!

I stopped and turned back around when I heard that Officer calling me.

“Take this”, he handed me a visiting card.

Lee Juran, scouting manager of MJ entertainments?

My eyes widened with surprise. MJ entertainments was a big shot in the music industry. It was the agency of Yoon Dongjin, the legendary guitarist. If my agency had its influence in the Korean industry, MJ entertainments had its influence on the whole world. That's how huge it was.

It's my wife's card. Leave that agency, you deserve better," he said and left back to his seat.

What do I do now?

I was overwhelmed.

I was scared.

I didn't want to lose my song.

It meant so much to me.

And right now, I needed to get myself together because there was no way I was going to give up.

But then an idea appeared in my mind.

Ha Eungyeol.

I swiftly took out my phone and dialed his number.


I was totally surprised when I saw him standing right in front of me. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around him, closing my eyes as a tear finally left my eye. I was acting all strong since morning. And seeing Eungyeol made me vulnerable.

But that's when his phone started to ring as my name appeared on the screen, which made me step back.

“Is something wrong?", He questioned looking at me with concern.

I clutched his hand as he gave me a nod, monitoring me to continue.

I want to be rich”

“What? Why? All of a sudden?”

“It will take too long to explain, but what are you doing here? Is everything okay?", I questioned back.

Ha Eungyeol, outside a police station, it didn't feel right.

Oh that-

Eungyeol told me about the accident his father went through and how that lady was lying to keep his son away from the police.

Is Ahjussi really okay?”

“He's fine”

“Then what about you?”

“It's my dad who had an accident, not me”, even though he denied he looked really stressed.

As if he was hiding something.

No, you're not okay. You don't look right at all. What's going on?”

“It's too long for me too, I'll tell you later. Dad is waiting, do you want to go with me? You didn’t eat dinner, right?”

“I'll pass. I need to rest. And take care of Ahjussi, 'kay?”, I waved him a goodbye and made my way to the bus station as my phone buzzed.

It was a message from my mother.

I totally forgot about our plans.

I was supposed to meet her outside her office 10 minutes ago. I sent her a message saying that I couldn't make it because of extra classes.

Likewise, I didn't have any other option. If she sees me like this, she'll catch upon it, and I had no plans to let her know.

My mother was so cool. She raised me all alone. She works so hard just to provide me with the best in everything. Not only that, but she never forced me to get good marks and let me do whatever I liked. She was all I could ask for.

But there were these two words which were almost a forbidden topic in our house.

The word father and music.

I never got to know about my father. When I was younger, I was really curious about my dad, so I used to keep asking her about it, but she used to avoid answering every single time. I was not birdbrained, so I stopped asking about him at some point. Was he even alive?

As for music, it was my life, but she despised it with life and I had no idea why. I realized about it when I expressed that I wanted to be an idol, and she was infuriated. That didn't make any sense to me because she always supported me.

I knew that I could do nothing. My mother was so particular and stubborn that no one could change her mind once she decides on something. And it was close to a miracle to change her mind.

But I just couldn't give up on my dream.

Ever since I was a kid, music never failed to fascinate me. It was like a fantasy yet so close to reality. For me, it was an escape from the world. It made me feel alive. It made me feel real. It was my safe place. It was everything to me. And that's when I decided to become an idol. That was the closest I could get to music.

But at the end of the day, one thing was for sure.

There was some connection between dad and music.

And I had to find out what the actual fuck that was.


Hello guys!!

Just wanted to tell you guys thank you for reading the book.

Also, I know this is going slow but trust me it will get intresting in the upcoming chapters.

Have a great day ahead 😗

Luv y'all ❤️

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