78. I'll be there

560 57 22

Oh Yi-joo

"Noona, you're awake?", Yi-hyun made his way towards me, "Are you alright?".

"I guess so", I got up slowly, taking a seat as my worried brother explained to me how I ended up fainting. I had high fever because of overworking and not having enough nutrition inside my body. I was free to go after the saline drip finished. I was feeling achy all over my body, but my headache was bearable now. Yi-hyun exited the hospital room to call mom as Eungyeol entered inside sweating all over, catching his breath.

"How are you feeling now?", he questioned, taking a seat near me.

"Better", I gave him a tired smile as the rude words I spoke with him earlier. I opened my mouth to apologize, but he started scolding me for being careless and rude.

"Stop fighting, already! I'm leaving for cram", Yi-hyun entered back as he passed me my phone.

"Now tell me what happened in detail", Eungyeol shifted his attention from me to Yi-hyun.

"I called Noona to ask about dinner as mom was going to work overtime but when I called a hyung picked up the call, informing me about noona fai—"

"Wait- it was Hyunyul! I remember his voice crystal clear", I cut off Yi-hyun's words as his voice from earlier flashed inside my mind.

"Yijoo-ya, he can't be here. You know that too", Eungyeol was looking at me with pity.

"I heard him, gyeol-ah! Why don't you believe me?"

A sigh escaped his mouth after listening to my words. He must be thinking I had lost my mind, but I couldn't go wrong, unless I dreamed about it like I did from the last two months. But it somehow felt so real, different from the dreams I get usually.

"I don't know if this helps, but I saw that hyung's face", Yi-hyun spoke getting our attention.

Without wasting a millisecond I pulled out my phone to show him the same photograph Eunyu took in the past.

"It's him," he confirmed.

It was really Hyunyul.

"Yijoo-ya, I would rather not give you false hope. What if it's like Sekyung ahjumma and Eunyu?"

"I don't care! I want to confirm it for the last time", I whimpered ignoring the tears falling off my eyes.

"Remember what happened the last time you went to confirm?"

"But still!"

"Listen to me, Yi-joo! I don't want you to hurt yourself again", Eungyeol argued back, making me rethink my decision again. "I don't want to lose you, Yijoo-ya. I'm scared at this point. I feel so helpless, I can't do anything for you," he whispered as his eyes started to tear up just like mine.

"Yahh! Why are you talking like that! You being by my side gives me so much strength. What do you mean by doing nothing for me? You did everything you could, and I'm so grateful for that", I hoped he stopped crying and blaming himself for my mess.

But instead he busted into tears, hugging me, as he spoke, "What you said in the elevator— I thought I lost you forever".

His words broke my heart into million pieces. I was reflecting on my very childish and meaningless behavior. It was harsh, so fucking harsh. I was blinded by my thoughts that I couldn't even see that I was hurting everyone around me including myself.

"Sorry to disturb your melodrama, but I'm still here"


"I really wanted to thank him to save me without anyone noticing", I whined, totally bummed at the missed opportunity just because my manager had shoo'd him away before I woke up.

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