79. Vacation house

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Oh Yi-joo

“Excuse me, Do you know where the record shop called Serenade is?”

“It was closed 10 years back, kid”.

Disappointment, everything I was doing was leading me to a huge disappointment. I tried calling Eungyeol, but his line was busy, no matter how many times I called him. It was almost midnight and there was barely anyone out, and I was regretting coming here alone. my foolishness fogged my rationality. Maybe, I should have listened to Eungyeol. Did Yi-hyun mistake someone else as Hyunyul? Last month I mentioned Hyunyul's name in a live accidentally and it created some speculation. So it was a piece of cake to fake a memo with Hyunyul's name and my song's lyrics. Was everything a prank by some Sasaeng? Just like my manager said?

The more I wreaked my brain, the more my thoughts made sense. Hyunyul being here was just impossible. But still somewhere inside my heart I knew it was Hyunyul who sent me the memo. He knew how much that song meant to me.

But now, I was hopeless. I was sweating all over my body with no energy left because I kept running from place to place just in case he's waiting for me in the neighborhood we used to stay in the past. From the book store where we first met until Baekwang High, no location was left unless they were not existing anymore like the record shop. And I had no plans of returning home, not before finding him.

The vacation house”


I was now waiting at the railway station to get on the train to the vacation house we stayed. The place where we started dating.

I was crazy, so fucking crazy. A girl going to countryside all alone at midnight didn't sound promising. Let alone the fact that people wouldn't stop recognizing me in every 50 meters.

The situation I was in was either go big or go home now. It was all about my persistence and willingness to find him. I came too far to go back alone. My love for Hyunyul was too strong for me to return and even if the whole universe was against me, I had no plans to give up.

I got on the train as I kept calling Eungyeol for the nth time, and luckily, he picked up the call.

“Why the fuck aren't you answering the call?”, I heard his stressful voice.

Says who! I've been calling you since forever”

“I was calling you, Yi-joo. But where the hell are you?”

“I'm going to the vacation house from the past”


The call disconnected because my phone died. But I was relieved, at least someone knows my whereabouts in case anything happens to me.

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