72. Ghostin

554 72 12

Yeon Sujin

“Skip studying, Jinjin!”, Dami, my classmate called my name, snatching away my pen as I was solving the extra questions of math.

I shifted my gaze from my notebook to her with a frown on my face. It was already so hard for me to focus on math, and now that I finally got the technique, she interrupted.

“You heard about the Baekwang high's festival? The first love memory manipulators are performing”

“What a cringy name!”, I shook my head, packing my stuff.

“They are a band, so fucking cool you know! I think I have a crush on a member just by looking at their poster”

I laughed at her silliness, “Do you even know his name?”

“Of course I know, Kang Hyunyul from senior year. He plays bass. Do you know about bass? It's a kind of—”

“Guitar. Of course, I know. I used to play one”

“So you are coming? Tomorrow?”

“Can I reject?”


“Okay then. No math tomorrow”, I smiled at her as she waved me a goodbye and I made my way out of the school.

I missed being in the band, it was my element. But I didn't really get a good opportunity for pursuing a career in music, so I was studying day and night, so I get a nice rank in my CSAT and get into the country's best medical college. I wanted to follow my dad and become a doctor.

I was thinking about my younger self, practicing with my mates. That was the best part. Of course getting on the stage and performing gave me an adrenaline rush, but I enjoyed the rehearsals more.

And that's how I ended up outside the auditorium of Baekwang High. I just wanted to watch them practice. I stood at the entrance, peaking inside as the students were setting the chairs and stuffs.

I murmured to myself, “They aren't performing—”, but my words got stuck in my throat as I almost got clashed with the student who was bringing a stack of chair. I was saved because someone pulled me away from my way, making the two of us falling on the ground. I opened my closed eyes just to see I was laying on the person who saved me. I gazed up at the guy's face. A cute curly haired guy was already staring at me with his flustered face. I was sure mine was the same, but I found his redden cheeks adorable.

“E-Excuse me, shouldn't we get up?”, I heard him speak.


I stood up from him, and turned away from him dusting my uniform.

“Are you alright?”, he questioned, making me face him once again. I gave him a nod as my eyes moved down from his eyes to his name tag.

Oh Majoo.

“Can I help you?”, he questioned once again.

“Oh- never mind. I just wanted to see the band rehearsal. I'm so sorry I know I shouldn't be here. Please don't complain about me. I think I should l—”

“Band as in the manipulators?”

I nodded at his words.

“Follow me, if someone asks tell me you are my friend”, he smiled at me.

That smile of his did wonder inside my heart as I ended up following him. He introduced himself as the band's manager. Soon the rehearsal started, but things didn't go as planned. A group of thugs entered the auditorium and started to attack the guys, which resulted to a fight. Throughout the fight, Majoo protected me even if it meant to hurt himself. When the fight ended, the lights fell on the band's member, Hyunyul, breaking his legs.

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