51. My Love Poem

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Yeon Yi-joo

Don't you think Sujin fits there better?” I questioned Majoo, who was standing beside me on the backstage. Watermelon Sugar was ready to perform their first song at the Baekwang High Festival.

Everyone was making a fuss that I should stay back at the guesthouse and rest. How could I miss a chance of seeing mom doing music? But luckily, Majoo said he'd pick me up before they perform.

So I was here finally at the festival, looking at my seventeen years old mom, who seemed like the happiest girl in the whole world.

And don't you feel wronged? You practiced so hard. You even stayed up late the day before yesterday," he questioned back instead of answering.

“Did I? I barely remember anything so….”, I shrugged off his question.

“But it feels everything happened for a reason”

I nodded at his words before adding, “That's her place from the start. I think I should step back from Watermelon Sugar”

“WHAT?” Majoo's eyes widened at my words.

I have been thinking about it since yesterday.

Eungyeol and I didn't belong here. And if two members back out together, it would definitely create a mess inside the band. I wanted the best for Watermelon Sugar. They deserved every ounce of it.

I don't think it's right, I don't belong here”, I honestly expressed myself.

“I don't understand. What do you mean by that?”

“I need to go back home. Mom's waiting for me”, I diverted my attention from Majoo to the stage, gazing at Sujin.

Her eyes twinkled the brightest. She looked so happy which made a question arise in my mind,

What actually happened with mom?

If it weren't for me, would Mom and Dad met? A little later maybe?

Did she join the group before? And when mom and dad broke up, she left him and music together.

And if that was the case, then it was too cruel from mom's side. She lost so much and it was so unfair. Not only she lost dad but also the music that she loved with her life. And then, she had to raise me alone while working day and night without rest.

I was feeling guilty thinking about why I confronted her so rudely that night, not even knowing what all the things she might have gone through.


Cheers erupted across the auditorium as the first song ended.

That was perfect—”

But before I could complete my words, Majoo held my wrist, confusing me.

He said, “Follow me”.

With that, he pulled me out of the backstage and brought me in the front, facing the stage, which was dark, unlike the auditorium.

Stay”, he instructed and ran away, leaving me between the audience on my both sides.

What is hap—

The spotlight was on.

It was only mom and Saebum with his keyboard on the stage.

Hello everyone, I'm Yeon Sujin and this is my friend Saebum. This is a special song written by a very special person," Mom said into the microphone and gazed at me with a smile, “For you, eonni," she said before starting.

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