28. The Book

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Kang Hyunyul

Ever since Yi-joo said she was quitting the band, I was anxious about her. I also thought of visiting, but I would rather not burden her, she was already worried about Eungyeol.

Did that Eungyeol save the country in his last life?

He was so lucky to have someone like Yi-joo on his side, but all he did was to make her cry, making me want to beat the shit out of him.

Was she upset?

The images of her crying last time flashed, making my heart break into a million pieces.

This won't do!

I ended up calling to Snail Guesthouse. Yi-chan picked up the call.

Is he back?”

“Not yet”

“What about Yi-joo?” I tried to be as natural as possible.

“I don't know. She locked herself inside her room. At this rate, she might even skip dinner”


“Why did-”, with that, I disconnected the phone call?

I rushed into the kitchen and saw fresh seaweed Hyunjae Hyung bought, laying on the platform.

That's how I ended up making some Kimbap for Yi-joo after almost burning the kitchen while preparing the egg. Even though I messed up with the rolling work, it was at least looking edible.

What are you doing, kid?”

“You can have the leftovers”, I looked up at my Hyunjae Hyung and walked towards my room to get ready.

“You cooked?”

The surprise in his voice couldn't go unnoticed by me, but I ignored him as usual and got dressed. I got out of the room and saw him blocking the door with the lunchbox in his hands, “You have a girlfriend now?”, He raised his eyebrows questioning me.

It's none of your business”, I took the box from him and pushed him away from the door.

No way I'd tell him about anything. He was getting more nosy day by day.

"Don't wait for me, have dinner. I'll be late"


Yi-joo had to be the cheekiest of all the girls I've ever seen. Even though my flirting skills worked on her, the way, she also got me blushing was so fucking smart. Not only that, she successfully changed the topic by asking me to take a seat so naturally while I was trying hard not to lose my shit.

You'll be the death of me.

Now, she was eating the food while I was keeping an eye on her to make sure that she completes everything. She looked adorable with her cheeks full like a cute hamster. I could sense that she was hungry, but her stubborn nature couldn't let her realize that.

Can I see that?” I pointed out the guitar case lying in the corner of the room.

She nodded at my words, so I walked towards the corner to get the guitar. But when I lifted it up, a book fell out from behind. It looked familiar, so I pulled it out.

It was the same book I bought her.

You know that book?” She questioned.

“Ani, just curious. What's this about?”

“I couldn't read it. So many things happening around me”

I nodded at her words and got beside her after getting the guitar.

My mom used to have this book”

Kill me for the short chapter 😭
I'll post more once my brain starts braining again.

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