77. Missing you

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Two month later

“I might get fired”

“I really want to release an album after the tour ends”

“But you literally got back in the morning”

“And you too”, Yi-joo fought back.

“But I'm your manager, I have stuff to do”

“So do I!” She answered back to her dramatic manager and stomped towards the elevator.

She knew he was worried about her just like Eungyeol-

“Just don't”, Yi-joo looked at Eungyeol who was standing in front of the elevator, glancing at his best friend with concern.

“You look like a mess, Yi-joo"

“I'm fine”


“Stop yelling we are not at home”, she gazed at him emotionlessly and got into the elevator followed by him.

“Then what am I supposed to do, Yi-joo? Until when are you going to overwork yourself? Do you even remember the last time you slept for more than two hours? At this rate, you might break down!!”

“Why do you even care?”, Yi-joo's monotone made Eungyeol feel sour. She was nothing like the Yi-joo he knew.

“Because I'm your best friend!!”

“Okay then. You aren't my best friend anymore. Now don't bother me”, and just like that, Yi-joo exited the elevator and locked herself inside her studio, totally ignoring Eungyeol's existence.

After Yi-joo returned from the police station, she had a concerning personality shift. She left for the world tour with SPINE9 the next day. She drowned into the work so she wouldn't have any time left to even think about Hyunyul.

She was a devastated, nothing made sense, and she knew she was helpless. There was nothing she could do to find him. She couldn't even sleep without dreaming about him.

Yi-joo was acting like a brat. She knew that Eungyeol and Eunyu were kind enough to listen to her and comfort her but because of the tour Eungyeol was tired and Eunyu wasn't with them as they were flying all over Asia for the world tour. It made everything almost impossible for her to open up to the couple.

And now, Yi-joo wasn't Yi-joo anymore.

She was a lifeless person.

“Why did I even come back?”, Yi-joo stared at her reflection on the computer screen as a tear escaped over her face.

She had a whole week off minus some random gigs before they leave for the Europe locations next week. Within the span of two months, she wrote almost a dozen songs. Now, she was putting them together to release her first ever full album. Working helped her to keep her mind focused. But it was getting out of hand.  She needed to rest or else she might really break down like Eungyeol said.

Can I have some strong painkillers for headache?”

The pharmacist gave Yi-joo the tablets as she paid for them.

“Don't have them empty stomach”

She nodded at his words and exited the store. She was too tired to order something for herself, so she ended up getting some flavoured milk at the convenience store near her agency. But that wasn't really a great idea. No sooner she was about to exit the store, she lost her balance and fainted, her body had no energy left. But before losing her conscious, she heard the voice she was dying to hear.


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