55. Break up

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“Why are you both sitting away? Had a fight?” Si-guk questioned as he noticed that I and Hyunyul sitting far away from each other.

“No, we broke up," Hyunyul answered nonchalantly. I gazed upon the sky from the window, hiding my face from the others while biting my lip harshly trying not to cry at his emotionless tone.

Why was I so affected by his words?

“Mwo!!!! I told you not to break her heart. How fucking dare you—”

“Majoo stop!” Yi-chan screamed, pulling Majoo away as Majoo almost punched Hyunyul's face

“I knew you do this. I should have stopped Yi-joo from dating you”, Majoo harshly spat glaring at him.

This won't do!

Actually-”, I got in the middle and continued as my throat started to pain, “It's because of me”

Yijoo-ya”, Eungyeol called me, “you don't have to explain”

“It's because of my damned brain. So don't blame him for anything. I'm already feeling so bad about everything just don't make it worst. Maybe I should get off at the next station—”

“I'll get off”, Hyunyul cuts my words.

I glance at him, but he avoids me and looks away.

“No one's getting off, YOU BOTH GET IT?” Saebum screamed angrily. I was stunned, he was always reserved.

“Seabum's right! No one's going anywhere. Everyone go back to their seats, now”, ordered Sekyung.

With that, everyone went back to their respective seats. I closed my eyes, resting my head on my hand over the window, trying to get my sanity back.

I am here for mom and dad.

Not him.

“Water?” I looked up when heard a voice.

Disappointment filled my eyes as it was not the one I expected.

Wae? Are you disappointed that it's not Hyunyul”

“Ani, what did I even say?” I hissed, pulling away the bottle from Majoo's hands and tried to open it but failed to do so.

My eyes unintentionally landed on Hyunyul. He was staring at me struggling with the cap. Of course, he would've opened it in the past. Not anymore.

He gazed at me with an unexplainable expression and looked away, my heart ached.

Let me”, Majoo took the bottle and opened it for me. He took a seat beside Eungyeol. Sujin was sitting beside me, reading a book quietly.

I drank the water and glanced at the book out of boredom.

“Wanna take a look?”

“This—”, my eyes widened at realization.

Love Poem.

“You know this? Oppa bought it for me," she said pointing towards Majoo.

I know this is random but are you both a thing?” I whispered into her ears.

“I think he likes me too," she whispered back as her face turned pink.

“Yah. Are you talking about me?” Majoo pointed out us whispering to each other.

“We have better things to do”, I teased him and got back to sleep after getting a look at Majoo's sour expression.

Dad gave mom the book. Was that the reason she never threw it away?  Was I really forgetting something very important?


I'm going out”

“Alone?” questioned Majoo.

“Do you want me to come along?” Saebum offered.

“It's fine, I can manage," I replied.

“I'll be back soon," I informed Chungha.

Are you alright?”

“Just wanted to be alone”, I gave her a small smile and walked out of the vacation house. Eungyeol and Sekyung got off at some random station, no one knew the reason. The others were trying to come up with an idea for the song. I genuinely wanted to help them but staying under same roof with Hyunyul was too much for me. So I decided to get out and get some fresh air.

I found a small bench under a tree near the house. I took a seat there, trying to remember what that Ahjussi said I forgot. It's almost a week since the accident happened. According to the doctor, I was supposed to remember everything in a day or two.

But whenever I tried to put pressure on my mind, I'd get a throbbing headache.

Is this the dead end?

Am I not going to get mom and dad together?

Should I just break them apart before anything happens?

But if I did, that my existence from this world might vanish for good. It's not like I cared but still, I was tired of everything at this point.

Sweat formed on my forehead as the sunlight hit me. The clouds were nowhere to be found. I wanted to go back inside, but I couldn't. Hyunyul was there. I already had a lot on the plate. So I just ignored the sun and sat there for a long time.

At this rate you are going to faint, Yi-joo”, I looked up when I saw an opened water bottle held in front of me.

My eyes widened at the sight.

What is he doing here?

Who's he?

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