27. Ugly Kimbap

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Yeon Yi-joo

It's already dark.

Eungyeol told me that he'll be back once he figures everything out, but he was still not home. And here I thought that we were in this together, and we would figure this out together, but he left all alone, leaving me alone as well.

I couldn't even imagine what he was going through, witnessing everything happening around us. I was also just as tired as him. I wanted to run away from everything.

I miss mom.

I was sure Eungyeol was also missing Chung ha aunt, Ha Uncle and Eunho Oppa.

Somewhere I hoped Eunho Oppa would come and take us out of this misery, but the possibility of it happening was as low as the sun rising from the west.

Which was basically zero.

Yijoo-ya”, I heard my name being called from outside the room.

Not again, I let out a sigh.

Ever since I came back home after announcing that I won't be back in the band until Eungyeol comes, Yi-chan was finding a reason to talk to me, but there was nothing to talk about from my side. I knew that losing two members in a day had put Yi-chan in a bad position, but I couldn't find any other option.

Maybe that will make him realize Eungyeol's value.

I was sure that Yi-chan also knew that never in his whole life he'd find someone who plays guitar as good as Eungyeol. So if I quit, it would add fuel to the fire and make him find Eungyeol.

The door opened, and I didn't even bother to look up because it had to be Yi-chan. It was quiet for a while and knowing Yi-chan, he would've at least annoyed me once until now, but he didn't, so that got me confused.

I raised my head from my diary towards the direction of the door if something was up. My eyes almost popped out when I realized it was not Yi-chan but, “Hyunyul?”

Can I come in?” His sugary voice almost got me, but I composed myself and clearing my throat, I spoke tiredly, “If you are trying to make me join the band, my answer is no”

“I just came to check on you”, he had the most serious (yet worried?) face on.

Was he worried about me?

He was definitely not here to discuss the band, it was written on his face. He was looking at me with an unexplainable expression, while I was figuring out what the actual hell that meant. We were both looking into each other's eyes without even realizing.

Get yourself together Yeon Yi-joo!

But I would rather not look away-


Am I attracted towards him?

No matter how much my mind was screaming that IT'S FORBIDDEN, I just couldn't look away from his black orbs. What the actual fuck his eyes are? An m'fucking black hole?

A flush crept up my cheeks when he- fucking winked at me?

It was so random, but it made my heart flutter and I looked away from him, fanning my face using my hands, trying to cool down my hot face.


And then he called my name with his fluttery voice.

After making up lots of courage, I gazed at him, I noticed his grin.

Your face is red”, he touched my hot cheek, as his hand touched my skin, a tingling sensation spread across my whole body.

So are your ears”, I pointed out as he awkwardly ran his hands through his hair, avoiding my stare.

It was his time to get embarrassed. There was no chance that I'd let him have the last blow.

Take a seat”

He took a seat beside me.

You had dinner?”

“I have no appetite”

“Because of him? Are you worried?” He questioned, staring at me while referring to Eungyeol.

I looked down on my lap, I nodded at his words.

Don't worry. He must be fine”

“But he knows no one here. Where will he sleep? What if something bad ha-”

“Calm down, Yi-joo. He's not a kid, and he's not as dumb as he looks. I'm sure he's fine. So stop worrying about him and eat this”, he pulled out a lunch box from the bag he carried.

Of course, Eungyeol can take care of himself. I didn't have to overthink about everything.

Kimbap?” I opened the book and saw shapeless(or just ugly) kimbap inside.

Its my first time so I don't know how it tastes, but-”

“YOU MADE THIS?” I screamed at him with disbelief.

Don't eat them. They don't even look good”, he tried to pull away the box from my hands. “Yah, I'll judge whether it is good or not”, I took out a piece with the chopsticks, “Who knows, it might taste exquisite”, with that, I took the first bite.

And that had to be the best fucking kimbap I ever had.

Hello readers!!!

Thank you so much for 25k reads 😭😭😭

I know I kept you all waiting so just as a bonus I was thinking of posting Hyunyul's POV of this chapter.

What do you guys think?

Also did you like the chapter? What do you think will happen next? Who's the endgame?

New chapter once this reaches 60 votes and 30 comments.

Thank you for your support 😙

Luv y'all 💞

Have a great day ahead 😘

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