74. Shining

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Oh Yi-joo

“Who are they?”, Eungyeol questioned Eunho, pointing at the two middle-aged men talking to mom and Chungha Ahjumma.

“Dad's bandmates. How can you not remember the legend Watermelon Sugar's member?”

The tall Ahjussi was Si-guk and the one wearing glasses was Saebum for sure. We walked towards them, as I tangled my arm with mom's, smiling at them. I couldn't even recognize them.

“This is Yi-joo, my daughter”, mom introduced me to them. I bowed and wished them politely.

Of course, We know your daughter Sujin-ah. You are quite famous, kid”, Si-guk patted my head.

“I remember hearing her debut song. I was so surprised. It was the one we performed on stage for the first time”, Saebum smiled at mom.

“Brings back countless memories, doesn't it?”

Before returning, I gave Majoo the cassette which contained the recording of love poem and told him, “Someone who fits this song perfectly will appear. Until then, keep it safe”.

And as I predicted, Majoo gave the song to me. Even though I couldn't get the credits for songwriting.  I had my song back. Nobody stole it this time. It was my glorious first, Love Poem.

Soon the formal event started as Ha Yi-chan Ahjussi played the new electric guitar live on stage, bringing back all the memories after he gave a small speech about the collection.

Presently, I was backstage as a makeup artist was setting my face, as my manager was running from here and there and so was SPINE9's manager. We were going to do a collaboration stage, paying a tribute to Watermelon Sugar by performing Shining. It was a massive stage and a significant occasion for both the families.

“Oppa?”, I called my manager not really sure how I addressed him. He was too young to be called Ahjussi. And luckily, I guessed it right as he walked towards me as I asked him, “Do you have a rehearsal video? I just wanted to monitor it once”

“Are you nervous? That's new”, he passed me a iPad as I thanked him and ran towards the SPINE9's waiting room just to watch it together as Eungyeol needed it too.

“You are a savior!”

“I know, now let's monitor”, I smiled at him as we both viewed the video a couple of times before getting on stage.

I was going to perform shining for the first-ever time. It was the same song we all made at the song camp. The same place where I and Hyunyul officially became a couple. Neither mom or the bandmates remembered him and nor the internet, as if his existence was vanished. I was scared if something bad happened to him that he had when AWOL but still, I prayed that wasn't the case.


“Eomma need some help?”, I entered the kitchen, as mom was setting up the table for dinner. We were having a wrap up party at our house. The two families including Si-guk and Saebum Ahjussi were in the living room, talking about business.

“It's all done, love. Why don't you go and call Eungyeol if he's joining us

Ha Eungyeol, of course.

He almost messed up the performance by leaving the stage out of nowhere. Everyone was too stunned, and I ended up lying on stage that he wasn't feeling well. It turned out he spotted Eunyu in the crowd.

“Eomma, may I ask you for something?”

“Go ahead”

“How about you give Biseo-nim a day or two off?”

“She is going on a paid trip to Italy for a week from tomorrow. After all work she does, she deserves a break”

I skipped into my room after talking to mom. She had to be the coolest mom in the whole universe. I phoned Eungyeol as mom asked me to.

“You owe me, gyeol"

“Saw the article. I can't believe we are this famous”

“I know right! Where are you? Are you joining us for dinner? Everyone's at my place”

“I'm at Eunyu's”

“How about you bring her too? I'm sure she's curious about the guys”

“How do we introduce her?”

“As your girlfriend”

“Are you crazy? No way!”, he exclaimed making me laugh as I continued.

“Just shout our mouth and bring her. I'll introduce her as my friend, you dumbass”

“Thanks, I owe you again. Be there in 10 minutes”


After dinner everyone left our place. I helped mom to clean up and annoyed Yi-Hyun and decided to end the day. I walked downstairs to get some water, just to see dad drinking wine while listening to some old vinyls.

Appa? Can't sleep?”, I questioned, peaking into the room. It was almost midnight.

You remind me of someone," he says and asks me to take a seat putting the wine away.

He continued,  “You know? When watermelon sugar disbanded, Yi-chan got married and had Eunho, he asked your mother to be a creative director to help him launch the best version of guitars at Jin sung. I wanted her to help me with the company, but she ended up accepting Yi-chan's offer.

We were in hot waters during that time and fought almost every day over small things. And one day it got worsen, and I had stormed out when Sujin asked me to break up.

But then I remembered the words my friend told me when I told her about asking your mom out. She said, 'Do not start if you are not confident to go until the end'.

And for me, the end of our relationship was marriage. So I cancelled my essential meeting and ran to a jewelry shop to buy your mom a ring. I went back home, held her back and told her how much I love her, weeping like a loser. And then proposed. Maybe my sincerity reached her and she accepted it. Few days later we found out about your existence. And everything's been perfect since then.

It's all because of her. I wish I could thank her for that. And today when I saw you perform, I could see her in you. It felt odd. I don't even know why am I telling this to you.

Maybe because I ought to”

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