73. Oh? Yi-joo

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Oh Yi-joo

"Yijoo-ya, wake up", a soft female voice woke me up as I heard sound of curtains being pulled. I blinked my eyes adjusting to the bright light all over the room. When I opened my eyes, I was literally teleported to my dream room. A whole wall of shelves filled with books, albums and vinyls, on the opposite side there was an expensive computer and really cool looking speakers.

An elegant lady, dressed in formals came out of the door on my left with a rack with a gorgeous dress. A walk-in closet? I had no idea who this lady was, but I realized she was old enough to be my mother.



Did my mother change?

Was I not born as mom's daughter?

I was getting all sorts of weird thoughts. This place was definitely not my home and this lady was not my mother.

"Eomma...?", I called out, just to check about the lady's relation with me.

"I know your mom was supposed to come last night but her flight was delayed. You'll meet her at the event," she answered in hurry.

She wasn't my mother. I got off the bed looking around to find some family photos, but I had no luck. There was a giant photo of me over my bed.

"Go and take a shower right now. Your date will show up anytime soon, and he'll accompany you to the salon as your manager is busy with the preparations. I wanted to order you breakfast, but your mom said you got it covered, so I didn't", She pulled out a pair of expensive heels from a box and gave them to me.

"These are sponsored so make sure to wear them and about the dress, it's the one on the rack", she pointed at them and continued, "Sometimes I feel I'm doing two jobs for the payroll of one, your mom's secretary and your nanny".

So she was mom's secretary.

As I got a better look of the lady's face, I noticed her dark circles hidden under the concealer. She looked really exhausted.

"Biseo-nim", I called her out. She paused with the organizing she was doing with the ornaments and glanced at me. (Miss Secretary)

I walked towards her, holding her hands, "Thank you for your help", and smiled at her.

"Aww, sweetheart. This is why I love you so much", she gave me a quick hug and smiled back, "I'm leaving now. Don't be late, Arraseo?"

She ran out of leaving me alone in my room.

"But who's my date?", I screamed walking out of the room just to realize that she left.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I got downstairs, just to realize I was all alone. My eyes fell on a huge photo frame in the living room.

"Oh my God- they are together! THEY DIDN'T BREAK UP".

Tears started to fall off my eyes as I lost my balance and fell on the carpet, "I did it". I clutched my chest crying out loud. I felt so relieved, the things I went through in the past was all worth it. Everything was too good to be true.

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