9. A stranger

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Yeon Yi-joo

"Why the hell am I here?"

"It seems you are not enjoying your trip"

"How am I supposed to enjoy? Ahjussi! Just tell how am I supposed to go back"

"You'll have to figure it out on your own"

"Atleast give me back my mother's diary. I need to find her"

"How about experiencing everything instead of just reading the diary?"


"You'll meet someone. Viva La Vida, I'll call you in the right time, adios", and just like that he hung up the call.

"I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!!", I screamed out of frustration throwing the phone in my hand.

"Yi-joo, wake up. Are you having a nightmare?"

I opened my eyes as soon as I felt someone jerking my body vigorously.

Was all this a dream?

"Are you alright? I didn't wanted to enter your room but you screamed so-"

"It's fine, Yi-chan. I'm good, thanks for checking on me", I smiled at Yi-chan as he left the room.

I was regretting entering the music shop. It was all because of that weird Ahjussi. No wonder he took the diary and said it was more valuable.

I washed my face and walked towards the kitchen to help grandma with the breakfast.

"Should I help you set the table, grandma?"

"Don't bother, child"

"I didn't get a chance to say this but thank you so much, grandma. I don't know what would have happen yesterday if not you", I expressed.

"It's fine, child. Just tutor my grandson from time to time. He's a good kid but a handful sometimes", she laughed making me smile at her words. "I'll help him with studies. Don't worry grandma. And I'll set the table now", I ran out with the pot filled with kimchi strew before she declined.


A screamed startled me making me almost tripping over the pot.

"Be careful", Yi-chan took the pot from my hands as I looked at the person who screamed.

"Stop staring at her hyungs. You'll scare her", Yi-chan took a seat after placing the pot on the table.

After setting up the table I introduced myself to the guys at the guesthouse and they introduced themselves.

Yi-chan left to school while I decided to find my mother. I asked Yi-chan earlier if he knew my mother but his school was all boys so he had no idea about her. She was seventeen years old, a year younger than me. So she had to be in the junior year of High school. My plan was to meet mother and find what happened between her and Dad.

"How much is this?", I asked the shopkeeper. I was at the market as grandma asked me to run errands for her. On the way to the market, I checked out the area where I came to the past just to check out whether the shop appears again but it all went vain.

I was in a book store just to check out the books for fun. But I ended up finding an interesting book named 'love poem'.

After asking for the price to the shop keeper I realised that I was broke; with a heavy heart I kept it back into the shelf and made my way towards the door, with a pout.

"Student wait!"

I turned around when I heard the shopkeeper's voice, "Me?", I pointed out myself. The shopkeeper monitored me to come back, confusing me.

"Take this", she gave me the very book I wanted. "But I can't buy this now", I said.

"It's already been paid", she smiled at me. The shopkeeper told me that a stranger guy bought it for me.


"Can you tell me how he looks?"

"He was wearing a uniform of Baekwang High school", she replied.

That was the same school Yi-chan attends. It was impossible to find that guy just with such a small information. I walked back home thinking about where to find mother. So tomorrow I'd ask Yi-chan about the school around here to find her.

"Grandma, I'm back"

I removed my shoes and entered the living room seeing everyone gathered as if they were having a meeting.

"Yijoo-ya, you are back. Meet Tutor Ha, he'll be helping you with Yi-chan", grandma pointed out the new guy inside the room.

When my eyes met his, both our eyes widened at surprise.

"Yeon Yi-joo?"

"Ha Eungyeol?"

We both exclaimed at the same time. He stood up from his seat as I ran towards him, hugging him tightly, while crying out of happiness.

"I wasn't the only one"

"I suppose"

So Eungyeol was that someone.

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