18. Good Reason

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Yeon Yi-joo

"How's mom?", Eungyeol looked at me as we walked across the street.

"She's different"

Yoon Chungha was different. The aunt Chungha I knew was always bright, free and loving. But the eighteen years old Chungha was awkward. Not only she couldn't understand sign language she was also so timid and fragile. She seemed to hide something behind her small smile. She never talked about her family as if it was a forbidden topic, I naturally didn't force her to do anything out of her comfort zone so I didn't get any information about them. According to Eungyeol, she didn't have parents but considering she's a minor, she was supposed to have a guardian about which even Eungyeol had no idea.

"And what about Ajhumma? You found her", he questioned, refering my mother.

My mother, I couldn't find her in the school at first. But later I remembered that mom moved to Seoul from Busan after the high school started because of grandpa's job. I had totally forgotten that. That's the reason I couldn't find her.

But I was sure that she'd be here very soon. Because I remembered that she mentioned first love memory manipulators' name in her diary, it was written on the random page I opened that day before entering La Vida music shop. She was present at the Baekwang High's festival. So I had to be the closest to the band in order to find her.

"And that was the reason I wanted to join the band", I completed. Eungyeol looked guilty, "I'm so sorry, Yi-joo", he apologized because of his words from last night.

"It's fine, Eungyeol. And I just wanted to get to know my father as well. I don't think I'll ever get a chance like this. It's like killing two birds with one stone", I smiled at him.

"Right", he smiled and continued, "There has to be a good reason that we came here, don't you think so?"

"I feel the same. Maybe I'm here to make mom and dad get back together"

"And I'm here to protect dad"

We both walked into the ice cream shop I worked at as the owner smiled at me, "you are done for the day, Yi-joo"

"I'm here as a customer Sajangnim", I replied with a cheeky smile on my face as I heard Eungyeol's chukle. "What was that for?", I raised my eyebrow. "Nothing, just order already", he shrugged off confusing me. I decided to order the ice cream as my mother did because I was missing her too much today. I always used to make fun of her weird choice but today I wanted to give it a try. I remember how she used to say that ice cream tasted better when she was in school.

"Can you mix chocolate and vanilla and drizzle some s-"

"Salted caramel"

Someone completed my order. I turned around and saw the face I was longing for.


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