8. Grandma

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Yeon Yi-joo

I wanna go home.

It was getting dark, and I still couldn't figure out what the actual fuck happened with me. One thing was for sure, I time traveled to the year 1995, which was 28 years back.

I couldn't even ask anyone's help. Even if I tried, they'd think I'm crazy, and the last thing I wanted was to gain unwanted attention. What if they take me to the police station and I won't appear as the country's citizen, and they put me in jail?

I shook my head, knowing I was just overthinking. My stomach growled for a I-lost-the-count times, I didn't eat anything.

“What do I do now?” I hid my face between my knees, sobbing silently. I was terrified, I had nowhere to go. 

What if something happens to me-

“Kiddo? Is something wrong?”

I lifted my head when I heard an old lady's voice. Her expressions changed from curiosity to concern as soon as she looked at my face. I wiped out the tears and stood up. It was not the first time someone approached me today, it was mostly creepy men who scared the shit out of me, but for some reason, I didn't feel scared.

“It's so late, What are you doing all alone, kid? Do you have nowhere to go?” She asked.

I nodded at her words.

“You had dinner?”

“I didn't”

“Come with me. I'll provide you a place to stay. I'm looking for someone to help me with my guesthouse anyway”.

My eyes lit up at her words, “I'd love to do that, ma'am!”

“Just call me grandma, kiddo”

That's how I ended up following her. If I were in a normal situation, I would've never followed her, but I had no option this time. She seemed nice. Grandma explained to me that tomorrow morning she'd tell me about the work I would be doing. She also explained to me how the college students stay at the guesthouse.

“Grandma, give me food”, a guy came out of the guest house pouting.

“I'll set the table now,” she replied.

Nugu?” That guy's eyes fell on me.

“Yeon Yi-joo”, I extended my hand forward, smiling.

“She'll be staying with us for the time being”

“A girl?” He looked at me as if I were an alien.

“Yes, so what?” She smacked him lightly and went inside, leaving me alone with that pouty guy.

“Can you play guitar?” He eyed at my brand-new guitar.

I nodded.

Can you teach me?"

“Of course”

“Welcome to Snail Guesthouse. I'm Ha Yi-chan, nice to meet you Yi-joo"

And that name was oddly familiar.

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