40. Sarangkkun

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Yeon Yi-joo

"I want to go home. Send me back, please"

"What about your parents? Aren’t you curious?"

"I'll figure it out once I return"

"That's not possible"

"Then atleast give me my mom's diary, I'll return you the guitar"

"Can't you stop obsessing over that and enjoy your youth?"

"How can I enjoy? I'm not even supposed to exist here"

"Then shouldn’t we cherish it more and enjoy it more? Do you think you'll get a chance like this again?"

"Am I stuck here forever? What happens to me in the future?”

"I can't go into detail. But I can tell you just one thing: someone is here to help you guys"

"Nugu?" (Who?)

"Well, that's it for today. Viva la Vida!!!!!"


And that's how I woke up from my dream. I hated how he always says what he wants and vanishes.

"Yijoo-ya!!! Since when were you hear?", Yi-chan ran towards me.

And then everything happened last night. After what happened between me and Hyunyul, I ran away from there to hide at our hideout aka our new practice room. Only if he was not my dad's friend, only if I met him in the future when he's the same age as me, I might have considered his confession. Hyunyul was such a great guy, I knew that better than anyone.

And that's how I fell asleep while rehearsing how do I reject Hyunyul without hurting him but it seemed impossible.

"Do you even know how worried Grandma and everyone was since you didn't return home last night", Yi-chan started with his nagging.

"I fell asleep, I'm sorry"

"He was singing so loudly, I can't believe you slept through that sound", Eungyeol pointed at Yi-chan.

Yesterday's scene played inside my mind looking at Eungyeol. Are you happy? I really wanted to ask him. His face was glowing. And if dating Sekyung made him happy I was no one to stop him. He was finally thinking about himself, in the future it was always him working hard for his family and neglecting his dreams and interests.

"Let's go now"

I looked behind Yi-chan and Eungyeol who were on the way when I heard Hyunyul's voice. Hyunyul, Majoo,  Saebum and Si-guk had just entered the room.

"Are we going somewhere?", Yi-chan questions.

"And practice?", I gazed at the guys.

"Someone wants to see us", Hyunyul comes running towards us, putting his hands around Yi-chan and Eungyeol's shoulder.

I was looking homeless. No way, I'd get out looking like this.

"Yijoo-ya, you can freshen up. I stocked up the essentials incase you guys stay here", Majoo pointed out the washroom, on the corner.

Life saver for real.

"I'll be out in a minute, thank you", I thanked Majoo and skipped my way towards the washroom.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth with the disposable toothbrush I found inside. I tied up my hair into a ponytail and walked out, while patting my face dry.

"Yijoo-ya", I stopped on my tracks as I heard Hyunyul and then eyed the whole room. It was only the two of us.

This was the best timing for us to talk,

"About yesterday—"

"I'm sorry. I should have asked for your consent but I- I couldn't— fuck it. I'm sorry, I have no excuse", his voice was filled with guilt.

"The thing is, I'm really not in a situation to date-"

"I understand, Yi-joo. I know you are already struggling to get over Eungyeol"

"It's not the only reason, Hyunyul. I can't tell you in detail but this is so wrong", I snapped out, feeling agitated by the situation.

He's literally the same age as my dad.

"Give me a single chance, Yi-joo. To be honest I was never interested in dating and stuff but I became a Sarangkkun from the moment I first saw you at the book shop. Just to catch a glimpse of you, I'd always wander around the shop. I had no luck so I was on the verge of giving up but then like destiny, you came to our band's practice room. But then I realised you liked Eungyeol. I hated to see you getting hurt. I hated to see you cry. I hated the fact that you were going through so much without even showing it to anyone.

And now all I wanted to say is I'm so in love with you and I want to make you the happiest girl in the world fucking universe"

(Sarangkkun is basically a whipped or a person filled with love)

My heart felt heavy at the thought of hurting such a genuine soul. My eyes blurred with tears, I couldn't process any words as if my brain was broken. Hyunyul was with me whenever I was feeling low, he always made sure that I was fine and I knew it better than anyone that I will never find someone who'd like me like he does.

But it was better to get things straight before it becomes more harder for both of us.

"I— I am so-"

"Don't! Don't answer just yet. Tell me after we are done performing at the festival"

"You'll get hurt, Hyunyul"

"It doesn't matter. If you want to reject, do it then. I'll be waiting outside", he gave me his jacket and walked out.

Hellow people!!!!

I just wanted to ask you something.

Is the story getting boring?

Because the number of people voting is decreasing.

If that's not what you think please do vote because that inspires me to write more exciting stuff for y'all.

Thank you for reading ❤️

Luv y'all 😚😚

Have a great day ahead ✨😊

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