24. Friend or Best friend

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Yi-joo accepts the water bottle from Hyunyul, her throat was hurting as she was trying not to cry.

"Are you alright?", Hyunyul started patting on her back, she choked up the water. After coughing out for a while, those coughs were turned into sobs, she ended up bursting into tears, confusing Hyunyul. Hyunyul stood up from the bench and kneeled down, moving the hair away from her face.

"I must be crazy", she spoke between her sobs, looking into his eyes. "Naneun(I).... I don't even know why I'm crying over something so stupid"

He watched her silently. He let her cry, without disturbing her. She needed some time to get herself together. Hyunyul got up and took a seat beside her.

After few minutes her sobs subsided. Hyunyul took a chance to ask her, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Will you judge?"

"I would never"

"Ever since Sekyung appeared in Eungyeol's life, I feel like I'm losing my best friend. I know it's stupid but-"

"For the sake of God, it's not stupid, Yi-joo", Hyunyul cut off her sternly.

Yi-joo was dumbfounded considering the fact that Hyunyul never raised his voice in front of her. He always looked calm and reserved. But Hyunyul was tired of listening Yi-joo call herself stupid.

"You told me not to judge you but you yourself are doing that. Don't you realise that?"

Was I?, Yi-joo talks to herself in her mind.

"Let's go now. It's getting late I'll drop you home"

With that the duo walked till the Snail Guesthouse without speaking a word with each other. Yi-joo was embarrassed that she cried in front of someone whom she has known for a week while Hyunyul didn't wanted her to feel awkward so he didn't try to make any small talk.

They both were now standing in front of the main gate of the Guesthouse, "And if next time something like this happens come to me, okay?",

Yi-joo nods at his words.

Hyunyul hoped that something like this would never happen again because it broke his heart to see her cry like that. But it was better than imagining her cry alone without anyone who'd comfort her. He wanted to be the one who comforts her.

He was ready to beat the shit out of Eungyeol to make her cry but he decided to let go as it was not his place to come between them.

"Thanks for today, friend", Yi-joo says.

"Friend? We were friends?"

"We weren't? I thought we were", Yi-joo whined looking at him with her puppy eyes.

Hyunyul laughed at her cuteness which bought a smile on Yi-joo's face for the first time since she cried.

"Go inside now", he said.

"Byee, dream of me friend. Good night", the cheeky Yi-joo was back as she was back to normal, she got inside the guesthouse.

Hyunyul's ears were burning red because of Yi-joo's words, "Get yourself together, Kang Hyunyul!!"

As Yi-joo tiptoed inside the guesthouse as it was late, she bumped her nose over Eungyeol's back. He turned around and glared at her, "It's Hyunyul again?"

Yi-joo scoffed at his words.

"Do I have to remind you that he's the same age as your dad?"

She rolled her eyes totally ignoring him. How dare he say that when he forgot that I exist? Yi-joo bumped her shoulder and walked towards her room without giving a damn about this pressure cooker best friend. Is he even my best friend anymore?

"Yeon Yi-joo. Stop ignoring me", he followed her.

"It's so noisy, I can't even sleep", Yi-chan busted out of his room.

"Yichan-ah, can you tell this guy to get the fuck out of my sight because I'm tired", Yi-joo gazed at Yi-chan, and enters the room, shutting the door.

"Yah! Yeon Yi-joo. Are you really going-"

"This is what happens when you third wheel between me and Sekyung and forget about your friend. If I was her I would have kicked your ass", Yi-chan cuts off Eungyeol's words and goes back to sleep.

Let's do this again.

Reach the target and get the new chapter.

Let's do 60 votes and 30 comments this time.

You guys can do it right?

And after reading your comments I realised that you are also rotting for Eunho and even Eunyu as Yi-joo's endgame 😭😭

I just love seeing you people interacting.

Keep going.

Thank you for reading ❤️

Have a great day ahead 😚

Luv y'all 💞

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