69. Don't go

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Kang Hyunyul

Yi-joo? Where are you?”

We were sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. At first, I had no plans to sleep. I couldn't waste my precious time with Yi-joo by sleeping but she needed rest and I also ended up catching cold because of rain so she forced me to take medicine, and it made the two of us drowsy. When I woke up, my bed was empty. Hoping she'd be in the living room, I ran out of the room, screaming her name out loud, but she was nowhere to be found. Did she leave? Without a goodbye?

That thought scared the shit out of me as I got on my motorbike and drove to the guesthouse without wasting a second.

Don't go. Don't go. Don't go. Don't go just yet, was going through my mind throughout the ride. I didn't even bother to park the bike as I laid in to the street and ran inside the guesthouse. I busted open into Yi-joo's room just to see it was empty, having no trace of Yi-joo leaving there.

Yi-joo isn't home”, it was Balsam Hyung.

Where is she?”

“Yi-joo and Eungyeol left after wishing everyone goodbye”


“An hour ago. They were going to some band room—”

I didn't even listen to his words after and drove to our band room. As soon as I opened the door, it was dark and there was no one inside. I turned on the lights and opened the curtains. “Yijoo-ya”, I called out.

No answer.

“Yeon Yi-joo!! Stop fooling around”


“YEON YI-JOO!!!!!!!”, I screamed with all the energy left in my body and collapsed on the ground.

Maybe I arrived too late.

Guys!! This is small just because I wanted to show Hyunyul's pov a little bit. The next chapter will be big I promise.

Also, please comment and vote if you like the update. I didn't get the regular amount of comments in the last chapter and it scared me.

I'm not really experienced in writing romantic stuff because I never held hands with someone romantically so naturally felt I messed up with the chapter.

But I hope that's not the case.

Anyways, thank you for listening to me yap.

I'll post the next chapter really soon.

Have a great day ahead 😚

Luv y'all 💕

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