20. Unexpected way

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"I ought to hit you both", Majoo held his hand up, smacking Yi-chan and Eungyeol one after another. "Just because Sekyung is back you forget about Yi-joo? What if I didn't found her? She would've passed out, out of nowhere and I swear if anything bad happened to her, I WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU BOTH", He continued scolding the father son duo, who were feeling guilty about what happened.

When Majoo came to the guesthouse to give Yi-chan the song cassettes, grandma informed him that Yi-joo was not home and it was raining heavily. So Majoo ended up searching for her all the way back to their school after searching her school first. Luckily he found her right in time and bought her back in his father's van.

A sound was heard inside Yi-joo's room which made the three guys run towards the door.

"Stop, you both. I'll take care of her", Majoo glared at the guys and entered the room, meanwhile the duo was peaking to check what was happening inside.

"Are you awake?", whispers Majoo with a calming voice.

Yi-joo slowly opens her eyes and sees her father in front of her.

"Appa", she whimpers as Majoo gets confused at her words. "It's me Majoo, I saw you on the ro-"

"I miss eomma", Yi-joo bursted into tears covering her face. Majoo looks at the duo near the door not knowing what to do.

"Comfort her", Eungyeol whisper-screamed.

Majoo softly caresses her head which makes her cry more than before, so he helds his arms up because he was not sure hugging her will be appropriate or not. Yi-joo slowly moved towards him and wrapped her arms around her father, "Hush, it's alright. Don't cry, Yi-joo"

Yi-joo nodded at his words and trys to calm herself. Everything happened with earlier made Yi-joo vulnerable. She had a light fever and dreaming of her mother made her emotions trigger. But she was fine now because of Majoo. Meanwhile, Majoo was not sure about why he felt that sense of protection towards her. He was literally scared to death when Grandma told him about Yi-joo. All he knew was that he grew up on the girl and it would hurt him if anything happened to her.

"Stay here, I'll bring you some porridge and medicine"

With that Majoo left the room.

"I'm going in", Eungyeol trys to get inside but Majoo pulls him out by collar and glares, "Don't you dare. Let her rest"

"What's wrong with him?", Yi-chan couldn't understand his best friend's actions but Eungyeol did. A father was being protective towards his daughter.

Majoo entered the room with the porridge and medicine, "here,have the medicine after eating. And if you feel sick you don't have to come to the band's practice tomorrow, okay?"

"Aniya, I can't miss the band's first official practice, can I?", Yi-joo was getting back to normal.

"You can I am the manager", Majoo places his hands on his waist like a Superman making Yi-joo smile at him. These guys had a weird obsession with Superman pose.

"I'm leaving", he stands up and walks towards the door.

"Majoo", Yi-joo calls out which makes him halt his steps, "Thank you"

"It's nothing. Just take care of yourself, can you do that?"

Yi-joo nodded at his words with a smile on her face.

She was delighted. It had to be the best day of her life. She always dreamt have been taken care of by her father. It came true like that, in an unexpected way.

How about I post the new chapter once this reaches 50+ votes and comments in two digits?

I really really wish you guys comments about how you feel about the book.

So yes.

New chapter once we reach the target.

You people can do that, right?

Have a nice read ppl<3

Luv y'all ❤️

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