65. If you

571 81 42

Kang Hyunyul

“How do I look?”

Instead of replying hyung started to act as if he wanted to throw up. I rolled my eyes at his overreacting self, giving up on asking his opinion about my outfit.

“Yahh! If you stole a police's jacket at least wear it properly”, he started with his nagging once again.

It was officially our first date and I tried my level best so that Yi-joo experiences the best date ever. I stole Hyunjae hyung's denim jacket(I got caught anyways). So I genuinely I didn't want to mess up and ended up listening to hyung. He removed my chains and scarf I was wearing around my neck. He also took away my funky belt and gave me his boring one. And surprisingly, he gave me his precious white sneakers, “You better clean it before giving back to me. Arraseo?”

And I nodded at his words surprised by his unexpected act of kindness.

I'm just doing this so that you don't embarrass Yi-joo"

“Wait- how do you know?”, my jaw dropped to the ground. I never told him about the date.

“I'm your hyung, kid”, he closed my mouth and left for his evening shift.

I stopped by the flower shop and picked up a bouquet of fresh daisies for Yi-joo, she told me about how much she loves them. Then I took my motorbike and drove to Sujin's place to pick Yi-joo up. It wasn't actually the place we promised to meet, but I got a little too excited to see her and went to Sujin's place.

“I'm leaving, Sujin-ah. I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you about it. My mother wants me to stay with her and study abroad”

My mind went blank when I overheard Yi-joo's and Sujin's conversation. I just couldn't process her words and their conversation after that.





“Yi-joo's leaving me”

And when I came to that realization I was already far away from Sujin's place. My mind was calculating all the possible reasons why she didn't tell anything about her leaving in my mind.

Maybe it wasn't a big deal. Perhaps she'd return soon, and that's why she didn't tell me. Or possibly she actually had a reason or needed time to tell me about it. I decided to keep it to myself until she herself tells me about it.

“Yul-ah!!!!!!!”, Yi-joo called out my name from across the road. I waved my hands, ignoring the ruckus inside my mind, and decided to focus on the date instead.

But what really surprised me was the first thing she did when she walked towards me was hugging me. My body froze at the unexpected skin ship.

“An-a jwo", she looked up at me with her doe eye, also with a pout evident on her face. (Hug me)

I did as she asked me too. I wrapped my arms around her shoulder as she buried her face in my chest making me feel powerful and vulnerable at the same time.

I'll just wait until she herself tells me.

And that day came sooner than I expected.

"I'm leaving”, she said carefully while scanning my face, expecting a reaction.

“You're finally saying it now?”

“What? You knew?”, she questioned, almost looking frightened.

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