31. Glad

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Yeon Yi-joo

"You got everything?”

I nodded at Majoo's words and got inside his van as he drove us to the hospital. It was such a mission to get grandma to buy our lie that Yi-chan was studying at Majoo's place, and we were here to pick his stuff. Whereas my boy Yi-chan was lying unconscious in the hospital bed after getting ganged up by some bastards. When I first heard about his injury, I literally developed a cold foot. I was so scared that it was the same accident which made him lose hearing but thank god that it was not the case. And later when Majoo explained to me that it happened when Yi-chan went to search for Eungyeol, it was crystal clear. This incident had nothing to do with him losing his hearing.

Last night, after admitting Yi-chan to the hospital, Majoo insisted that I should return to Sujin as she was home alone and that was the reason I was there in the first place. I had no other choice, so I ended up going back to Sujin.

I scared you both last night, didn't I?” Majoo looked at the side mirror, avoiding me as he spoke.

Aniya, you didn't. And I'm so sorry for leaving you alone last night".

“It's understandable, and you went because I insisted. Didn't you say Sujin was home alone? It was necessary, and I had nothing to do last night. I just slept on the empty bed beside him. So don't be sorry, okay?” He looked at with the warmest assuring smile a person can have.

My eyes almost teared up, looking at my eighteen years old father, “I'm glad”

“What? You said something?”

I shrugged off his words, but I was literally so fucking glad.

Growing up, I was always scared of getting to know about my father. What if he was a bad person? What if he hurt mom? What if he- A thousand what ifs inside my mind were just disappearing ever since I came here, but how?

Because I was realizing that my father was the sweetest of all. He took care of each and every person around us. He never says anything that hurts people, and he's such a supportive friend.

And I was glad to realize that he was nothing I was scared he would be.

We both reached the hospital and saw Balsam oppa there.

Thank you, Balsam oppa"

“Aniya, he's like a brother to me. Look after him, arraseo?”

I nodded at his words as he gave me a head pat, and I went back to Yi-chan, who was lying unconscious on the hospital bed because of the medicine. Majoo called Balsam oppa to pretend as Yi-chan's cousin since we couldn't tell about this to grandma. He took care of all the formalities and left the hospital yesterday, and now he was here to check on him.

Oh- you guys are here?”

My eyes fell on Si-guk and Saebum inside the room. They both smiled at me. I looked around. Hyunyul was not present. It was weird.

About Hyunyul”, my attention immediately shifted to Si-guk who took Hyunyul's name, I haven't seen him since yesterday. And that time I had managed to piss him off with my dumb question. “He's getting treatment in the ER”

“Emergency room?” Majoo questioned.

Saebum was about to explain what happened, but I cut off his words, “Excuse me guys”, and with that, I ran towards the ER.

And when I reached there, I saw a nurse was nursing his face. I walked towards his bed while scanning his body whether he had any serious injury but thank heavens because that was not the case. As the nurse left, Hyunyul's eyes fell on me.


“What happened? Are you alright?” I asked him, noticing all the bruises across his face, which were not visible from afar. Those looked really painful.

I'm fine. They hit our frontman, how could I stay still!” He answered nonchalantly, as if nothing ever happened. Nevertheless, his face was telling a different story.

I let out a tired sigh.

For goodness’s sake, what's up with all the guys in my life?” I was so done with everything. I continued, “One's MIA, others got hit while searching for him, and you went to fight back. Is anyone even thinking about the performance? We barely have a month, and it's such a mess in here. At this rate, we-”

“Lower your voice, student”, my rant was disturbed by an angry nurse.

I'm so sorry”, I bowed at her as she walked away from us.

So? You are talking to me now?”, he questioned staring at me, emotionlessly.

“Are you mad at me?” A pout appeared on my lips as I questioned him. But he said nothing. “I'm sorry. I should have not said about you and Sekyung that day”, I apologized because I knew I had no rights to say that in front of so many people.

Forget it, I don't mind it”

“For real?”

“Yes, for real. Now let's go, I need to get discharged. And then we'll search for Eungyeol together, as you said we barely have time, right?”

Sorry for keeping you all waiting.

So yes I am back once again with a small chapter but I'll post another big one as soon as this chapter reaches, 60 votes and 50 comments.

Thank you for reading ❤️

Have a great day ahead 😚

Luv y'all 💞

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