16. Envious

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Ha Eungyeol

It's late.

Yi-joo was still not home and not having a phone to check on her, made me even more anxious. I went to ask Yi-chan about her but when I entered his room, he made fuss that I was disturbing his homework which Yi-joo would check soon and pushed me out of his room saying that I was just overthinking and she'll be back soon. But it's been an hour since Yi-chan shut his door on my face but there were no signs of Yi-joo.

"This won't do", I wore my shoes, deciding to go out and look for her.

Was I worried about her? Definitely, yes. She's been nothing but a good support to me since the very beginning. She's my best friend and I always had this unexplainable sense of protection towards her. And ever since we came here, it just increased as I knew that I was the only person she actually knew here and vice versa.

And now, we were in the past. It's never so safe for a girl to stay out at this time.

What if something bad-

I halted my steps as I was bewildered at the scene unfolding in front of me. It was Yi-joo and Hyunyul. He had his arms around her and both were looking at each other.

I didn't like seeing Yi-joo with another guy, it made me so fucking furious. My sane mind knew that I was no one to stop her yet my insanely took over as I stomped angrily towards her direction as she noticed my presence.

"Gyeol-ah? What are you doing here-"

"Let's go", I harshly grabbed her wrist and walked towards the guesthouse.

"It's hurting, leave my hand", she hissed but I ignored her.

"She said leave, don't you understand?", a hand grabbed mine.

"It's none of your business, Hyunyul", I shrugged off his hand, staring right into his soul while I pulled Yi-joo with me.

"What's wrong, Eungyeol? Why are you acting like this?", She slid her hand from my grip right before we enter the guesthouse.

"You know what's the time now?"

"I was doing part-time job"

"And Hyunyul?", I looked at her, folding my hands.

"I'm tired. Can we talk about this later-"

"Then what about your mom? Aren't you supposed to find her? Why are you making everything so complicated. We do not belong here, did you forget?", I screamed at her making her flinch.

"I don't need to report you about every fucking thing I'm doing, Eungyeol. And I know what I'm doing so stop being a jerk"

"Then just answer this jerk one last question"

She was gazing at me with anger, I noticed her dark circles and exhausted face but I overlooked it.

"Why did you join the band? To seduce Hyun-", she slapped across my face cutting off my words.

With that slap my sanity returned back, I realised how stupid my words were.

"Yi-joo, I didn't mean to-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP. I'M DONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT", she pushed me away from the way and entered the guesthouse. I followed her wanting to apologise but she ran into her room and shut the door.

"Yi-joo, I'm really sorry. I don't know what happened to me earlier", I knocked the door few times but she never answered.

I fucked up, tears started to build inside my eyes. It was not the first time we fought but it seemed I messed up a big time this time.

"Yijoo-ya, please", my neck pained as I tried to speak. A sob left my mouth as I wiped the tears roughly off my face.

"It's so noisy, I can't even study", a loud thud of the door was heard following Yi-chan's voice.

I looked at him with teary eyes.

"Peuraibeosi imma", he caressed my red cheek. (Privacy, dude)

"Give her some time, she must be tired", he went near Yi-joo's room, with his homework, knocking the door after calling out her name.

Yi-joo opened the door and gave me an icy glare with her swollen red eyes and shut the door after Yi-chan entered the room.

She let him in, a pout appeared on my lips as I moved my hand across the cheek she slapped, feeling envious of my own dad.

I deserved it.

Listening to Yi-chan's words, I decided to give her some space. I skipped breakfast, dinner and Yi-chan's vocal practice the since that day just because I wanted to let her have some privacy. Or maybe it was just an excuse. I was feeling horribly guilty for what I did and I was scared to face her yet. It's been three whole days since that happened. I decided to apologise to her today because I couldn't run away from her forever and my days without her felt so empty.

"Are you satisfied?", Hyunyul entered the band room.

"Why are you poking your nose in other people's business?", I placed my guitar on the ground and stood up.

"So you don't know anything yet", he murmured.

"What?", I looked at him confused.

"Go and find her, you jerk-"

I ran towards the guesthouse before he could complete his words. I reached there soon and slammed the door of her room open. It was empty. Her things were missing too.

"Grandma, Where is Yi-joo?", I ran inside the kitchen.

"She left. You didn't know?"

She what?

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