67. I hate to admit

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Yi-joo had no reason to stay and wait for Hyunyul anymore.

It was a relationship that started after so many hardships, and it was absurd to her that he give up so easily.  Somewhere she wanted to understand, but she had no peace of mind and time to do that.  She busted out of the house making her way to God knows where, totally ignoring the rain.


But Hyunyul was finally back home. He was totally drenched in the rain as his eyes were red because of constant crying and rain water, just like Yi-joo.

He was surprised to see her outside his place, wearing his clothes.

“You wanted to break up with me?”, was the first thing, Yi-joo questioned, glaring straight into his eyes.

You heard the cassette?”, Hyunyul questioned back, totally blaffed not knowing what to do in this unexpected situation.

“Just because of my studies?”

“Yijoo-ya, let me explain—”

“EXPLAIN ME WHAT EXACTLY?”, She screamed out loud, cutting off his words and continued, “I was actually considering staying here forever until I heard that. And even if I had to go abroad leaving you behind I'd choose to stay back. FOR YOU! But what about you? Remember saying you wanted me to be the happiest girl in the whole fucking universe? Was that all for show? How can I be happy without you?”.

“I'm sorry”.

That was all Hyunyul could form up. His mind went blank after listening to Yi-joo but one thing was for sure, the possibility of them being together was close to zero.

Yi-joo's voice shivered as she announced, “We're over”, and started to walk away from Hyunyul. His heart was dying to hold her back, but his mind didn't let him.

The end was obvious.

Their lives were parallel lines which got intersected just by the game of destiny. And now that twisted game was coming to an end, it had already created a butterfly effect.

Hyunyul was still hoping that she'd turn around and come back to him, but he knew it was not going to happen. Yi-joo was stubborn.

To his surprise she did turn around as he increased his pace to get closer to her but when he heard the words she uttered, he hated to admit that he was fucked up.

“Let's not meet again”

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