63. Fatal Trouble

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“Why are you telling me this?”

Yi-joo was skeptical about Sekyung's big reveal. Meanwhile, Sekyung wanted a confirmation. Not that she didn't trust Eungyeol, but there was nothing to lose to know what will happen if Yi-joo finds out about Eungyeol's feeling.

Ha Eungyeol really did have feelings for Yeon Yi-joo. But when he realized them, Yi-joo was busy crushing on Eunho which made it impossible for him to continue having those feelings.

“No reason as such”, Sekyung shrugged off while curiously monitoring every single action of Yi-joo.

“If I knew about this a month ago, I would have been swayed for sure”, Yi-joo turned her gaze from Sekyung towards her fidgeting hands and continued, “Maybe if we didn't come here, and I didn't meet Hyunyul we could have dated”

“Date?”, Sekyung murmured as she started to question her actions. She was getting anxious about where this conversation is going to take the two of them.

“You know Sekyung-ah? It's all those what if's are messing with our brains and feelings. I was thinking what I felt towards Eungyeol was love, but then I realized it wasn't. It was just Platonic. But now I am aware of what I feel and so is Eungyeol. I know he loves you. I swear to god I never saw him being a simp for someone”, a laugh escape Yi-joo's mouth.

And Sekyung was just listening to Yi-joo, surprised by how expressive the girl was.

And right now, I really like Hyunyul, actually no- I love him—”

“But we are leaving soon. Will you be alright?”, Sekyung questions cutting off her words, worried about her.

“I rather not think about it. I just want to spend as much time I can with him. I think I should leave now. He must be waiting for me, and thanks for inviting me for a dinner”, Yi-joo abruptly stood up when she remembered about the meet up.

Yi-joo walked towards the door as Sekyung accompanied her. Yi-joo gave Sekyung a one last smile, “Take care of my best friend”

“I will”


No sooner Yi-joo spotted Hyunyul she jumped onto his body making him almost loosing his balance, but luckily nothing happened.

“At this rate you are going to break my ribs!”, Hyunyul teased her, she was hugging him really tightly. But instead of loosening her grip around him, she tightened it even more.

Yi-joo fixed her gaze upon his dark brown eyes with her doe ones and replied almost innocently, “Because I want to be the closest to you”

Hyunyul's breath hitched at the realization of what those words could also mean. The girl in front of him was already driving him crazy. Sweat dripping off her face because of the heat, flushed cheeks and those doe eyes didn't help him either. She was his fatal trouble.

On the other side, when Yi-joo saw Hyunyul's crimson cheek she got off him in a millisecond, looking away from him.

Hyunyul cleared him throat, “I wanted to check out the recording studio. Wanna tag along?”

Overcoming the awkwardness, the couple made it to the recording studio, Jonathan, the owner of White Night, introduced him to record Watermelon Sugar's first song.

“Do you know how this works? You did producing right?”, Hyunyul asked Yi-joo as they entered the room filled with recording devices and instruments.

“Let me see”, Yi-joo took a seat in front of the computer and tried to figure out the old recording system.  After studying the functions for a while she successfully figured out half of the things.

“Can you teach me?”

“Why not! But what song are we going to record?”, Yi-joo looked at him, with curiosity.

“Love poem?”



Everyone was explaining how they liked Eungyeol but wanted Hyunyul to be the end game😭


Just a filler chapter.

Thank you for reading 😊

Have a great day ahead 😚


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