32. Missed you

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(A/N: I do know some of ya'll wanted Hyunyul's POV but I'm saving it for future. It will be posted soon)

“I do not give you permission to do so”, Yi-joo folded her hands and pouted.

“I'm not a kid, Yi-joo. I can go home by myself”

“I know you can, but Hyunyul, what if you bump into those jerks again? I'll come with you and that's final!”

“So you'll protect me? Huh?” He stood up from the hospital bed and walked closer to Yi-joo, trying to intimate her with his height. But little did he knew that it would not work on her. “Just because you are taller than me doesn't make you superior. Fighting is for kids”, she poked his chest and gazed at him with confidence, “I play the mind game, darling”, and she completed with a smirk on her face.

Yi-joo expected him to fight back, but he couldn't. He just couldn't. His mind when blank when Yi-joo looked at him with such an intense expression and called him darling. He was thunderstruck by her, whereas Yi-joo had no idea what her actions were doing to him. Meanwhile, Hyunyul was falling for Yi-joo once again. At this point, he lost count of how many times he fell for her. He was dying to confess about his feelings, but he was not sure if it was a right choice. He liked what they had right now. Not only that, but he liked how Yi-joo got jealous over Sekyung because he had actually seen Yi-joo at the restaurant that day. Later he even gave her a hint by confessing that he had a girl he likes while looking at her, which was really obvious from Hyunyul's side but Yi-joo failed noticing it.

Yi-joo got away from him and pulled his hand, “let's go”

Majoo was taking care of Yi-chan's discharge, so Yi-joo had no reason to be worried about it. But the Si-guk, Saebum duo went out to stick Eungyeol's posters, so she ended up taking Hyunyul to his house.

Come inside, if you don't mind”, Hyunyul opened the gate of his house, inviting Yi-joo to his home.

Yi-joo entered his house while looking around curiously. It was kind of messy yet felt like a home which reminded her of her own home.

Excuse me, it's messy because it's just me and my hyung staying here”, he awkwardly murmured.

Aniya, it's fine. But what about your parents? If you don't mind me asking”

“I don't really know. I was adopted by my hyung's father. He died 5 years back”

“Oh-”, Yi-joo never knew that Hyunyul would have such a painful past. “I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have-”

“It's fine. I have my hyung, it's more than enough for me”, he gave her a forced smile.

Well I'm delighted to hear that, brother”, a man in his twenties appeared out of nowhere while playfully choking Hyunyul, startling Yi-joo.

“Ahh hyung, stop! You scared her”, Hyunyul pulled away from his brother, smacking him.

Annyeong haseyo, I'm Yeon Yi-joo. Hyunyul's friend”

“He made Kimbap for you, right?” Hyunjae, Hyunyul's brother, questions.

How did you-”


And that's when Hyunjae, his brother, noticed Hyunyul's bruises.

Yahh! What the hell happened? Didn't you leave that gang?”

“Gang?” Yi-joo looked at him confused.

Hyunyul never told Yi-joo that he used to be a part of that very Jindo Dog gang in the past.

“Did I mess up? But anyway she's pretty," Hyunjae whispered into Hyunyul's ears.

And Yi-joo, you are staying for dinner and trust me, I cook better than my brother. Don't say no, and I'll drop you after dinner, okay?”

Hyunjae left the room without even bothering to listen to Yi-joo's answer. Hyunyul laughed at his brother's behavior.

“Mian (sorry), he's full of himself. But stay for dinner, okay?”

“Okay, I'll stay”, Yi-joo smiled at him.

She was glad that Hyunyul had someone like Hyunjae by his side. She was curious about the gang thing his brother said, but she decided to ask about it later.

Yeon Yi-joo

"Is Yi-chan oppa fine now?", Sujin interrogated as we walked inside the school together.

"He's doing good now. And you know? We thought that Sekyung saved him but it was not her"

"But Majoo Oppa said it was Sekyung?"

"It was Chungha actually"


"Yup. And yesterday Yi-chan when to thank her but couldn't meet her. He also learned how to say thankyou in sign language for her"

"Aww that's so sweet"

"I know r-"

"Oh- what's happening there? Let's see"

And like that, I ended up getting pulled by Sujin towards the crowd. She sure was a curious kid. Yi-joo smiled at her mother's instincts and followed her. The girls were flocked as if there was some idol over there. Sujin peaked at scene but I didn't bother to do that as I just stood behind her.

"EUNGYEOL OPPA?", She literally screamed.

"Calm down girl. Why-", I paused when her words registered inside my mind.

Did she say Eungyeol?

I teared the crowd into two as I pushed across them. It was really him. He was standing with Chungha, something slipped off my shoulder but I could careless about that.

Eungyeol's back.

"Gyeol-ah", my voice was barely audible but it reached him. No sooner our eyes made a contact, Eungyeol walked towards my direction. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, ignoring everyone around us.

"I'm so sorry. I missed you so much pretty one", he whispered into my ears.

I hugged him back, blinking off all my tears, "I missed you too, idiot"

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