62. The truth untold

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Yeon Yi-joo

“I'll go with her”

“What if you and Sekyung get hurt?”, Eungyeol questioned after listening to my words.

“That's why I'm accompanying her, Eungyeol. It's better than sending her alone”, I tried to make him understand, but it went vain. I looked at Sekyung hoping she'd do something to let us keep an eye on the accident location before something happens to Yi-chan.

If it gets dangerous we'll run away, okay?”, she cups Eungyeol's cheek to get his attention. And thanks to her, he agreed.

Eungyeol and Sekyung knew about the accident, and luckily they also figured out the location and time of the same. Eungyeol was going to stop Yi-chan from getting out of the house for tomorrow, and I and Sekyung were going to the location just in case.

“Sekyung-ah, do you have a fax machine? I'll ask Majoo to help Eungyeol tomorrow”

“Over there”, She pointed towards her room.

I ran towards the room, leaving the couple in the living room. I informed Majoo to meet me at the park in 10 minutes with the help of the fax machine.

“Oh- where's Eungyeol?”

When I walked out, it was just Sekyung.

“He left. Why don't we have dinner together?”


“Thanks for coming in such a short notice—”

“Are you really leaving?”, Majoo cuts off my words.

“Sujin told you?”

“I planned out a whole thing to ask Sujin out, but she came crying to me yesterday. Why are you leaving out of nowhere? It makes no sense to me!”

“Ask her out? Like to be your girlfriend?”

“Why are you asking such a dumb question anyway? First answer my question, why are you leaving?”

I totally ignored his question once again and questioned him again, “Are you confident you can go until the end? Are you sure that this isn't it because of those lingering feelings which might vanish as time passes?”

“Aren't you crossing the line, Yijoo-ya? What are you to me?”, his voice sounded so harsh, as if it wasn't the Majoo I knew.

Your daughter”

“Stop joking Yi-joo! I'm not in a mood to receive one right now”

And it was time to carry out my plan B. I took a deep breath before speaking, “Listen carefully because from now on, this daughter is going to tell you a ridiculous truth.”

And that's how I ended up telling Majoo about everything happened to me and Eungyeol.

He stood up from the bench and walked near the tree beside him facing his back towards me after listening to my explanation.

Do you believe me—”

I couldn't complete my words as I was startled at the scene in front of me. Majoo harshly punched his fist into the tree. I stood up from the bench and pulled him away before he could hurt himself.

“What kind of person was I? I made Sujin suffer”, he whimpered as a tear left his eye. I couldn't say anything, not even a single word. I just stood beside him, patting his arm to calm him down. It was too much to take in at once for Majoo. I expected this reaction because that's how I felt when I lost my memories after the accident. He needed some time to get his thoughts together. I left him on the bench we were sitting earlier and went to bring some water for him.

I opened the bottle cap and held it in front of Majoo to get his attention once I returned.

“So you are our daughter?”, he gazed at me. I nodded at his words.

A smile appeared on his face as he spoke, “You got Sujin's eyes and maybe those curly hairs from me”.

I sighed in relief, he was taking things better than I expected him to. I took a seat beside him as he continued speaking, “No wonder I felt weird sense of protection towards you”

“Did you?”, I smiled back at him.

You even smile like me. I'm getting chills”, he dramatically held his arms making me laugh at him.

He took a sip of water and glanced at my direction, “Does she know?”. With that question, the atmosphere was back to serious again.

No. I don't think telling her would change anything. She is the one who chose not to tell you about my existence”

“What do you want me to do?”, he questioned with utmost solemnness.

“If you aren't confident don't start anything. And if you are confident then take responsibility”


“I ordered some chicken and pizza. So sorry I almost burned my kitchen while cooking once. I hope you don't mind”

“Aniya, I love chicken”, I smiled at her while taking a seat in front of her. Sekyung let me freshen up at her place as she set up the food on the table.

As soon as I took the first bite of the chicken, my eyes widened.

I'm glad you like it”, she chuckled at my reaction, while she murmured something which went unheard by me.

You said something? I didn't catch up”

“Aniya”, she denied, but it was so obvious on her face that she was hesitant about something. I decided not to ask her about it but then out of nowhere she cleared her throat getting my attention once again.

Do you know about Eungyeol's first love?”, the uncertainty in her tone couldn't go unnoticed by me.

“Isn't that you? He never liked anyone according to me," I answered anyway, taking a sip of the coke she poured us earlier.

Out of nowhere, she let out a laugh, confusing me.

It's you, Yijoo-ya"

Where are my Yi-joo X Eungyeol shippers?!!

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