64. Why don't you stay

593 69 20

Yeon Yi-joo

"Grandma!! I was recording something very important. Now your voice also got recorded in it", Yi-chan fussed, taking a seat beside me for breakfast as grandma called him for breakfast.

"Just record it again", I gave him a shoulder pat and got back to my kimchi stew. I was about to take a bite of my rice but then, a rolled egg came out of nowhere over my rice. I looked on my other side just to see Majoo mouth 'eat more' and got back to his eating.

A smile appeared on my face at his actions. I also did the same for Majoo and mouthed 'You too'. Eungyeol seemed to notice that too as he looked at me smiling as well.

Yesterday was quite a mess. Chungha's dad was back, and he finally kicked out that lady out and Chungha was finally free from all the problems in her life. I had no idea about what happened as I was busy recording love poem with Hyunyul in the studio that I returned guesthouse after midnight.

Si-guk and Saebum joined us as Eungyeol called them to stop Yi-chan from getting out.

"What about Hyunyul?", I asked the duo.

"Yahh! Are you for real?", Si-guk pointed his spoon at my direction confusing me. He continued, "Ever since you found a boyfriend, you forgot about us"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

But before I could complete my words, Yi-chan smacked Si-guk's head, earning laughs from everyone.

"Exactly!! She has a boyfriend now. Why would she babysit you?", Saebum shook his head and then looked at me, "He's still sleeping. Hyung said he returned late last night".

Did he go somewhere after dropping me?

I finished my food, got up from the table and walked towards the kitchen to clean my dishes. Then I informed Eungyeol that I was going to Sekyung, which was the accident location.

"Sekyung-ah!!!!", I waved my hand, calling her name as soon as I spotted her on the opposite side of the road. I was about to cross the road but out of nowhere a car came towards Sekyung's direction.

"Andwae-", a whisper escaped my face as I ran towards her direction. A wave of relief passed across my body as I saw her standing there without a single scratch.

"Thank heavens!", my legs gave up as I fell on the ground.

"Yijoo-ya, We did it!", she ran towards me, wrapping her arms around me as tears escaped my eyes. Yi-chan will be fine now, all the hardships they faced will be vanished. The Ha family was finally free from their problems.

Sekyung was now talking to Eungyeol to tell him about the accident while I was sitting on the bench besides the telephone booth, clutching my hands as they were still shaking.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder, so I gazed up from my hands, it was none other than Sujin.

"Hangout with me"

And that's how I ended up spending the whole day with Sujin. She wanted to go to see the beach so we took a train for an hour to reach the Daecheon beach, which was closest to the city. Throughout the way, she acted as if the conversation we had that day never happened. I couldn't bring up the topic, so I also ended up ignoring it and having fun with the seventeen years old mom.

"I'm hungry." Sujin held her stomach as mine also growled.

"Let's have something. We have an hour for the next train".

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