29. Heartbroken

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Yeon Yi-joo

"Where are y'all going? Don't we have class now?"

My classmates were going towards the opposite direction all together instead of attending the lecture confusing me.

"They asked us to assemble in the auditorium", A girl named Nara from my class answered.

"What about Chungha? She isn't here"

"She was sleeping so no one bothered to wake her up"

After listening to Nara's words I made my way towards the classroom, looking for Chungha. I was late for school today so the homeroom teacher asked me to write an apology letter in the staffroom which made me late to the class. I bursted the classroom door open, "Is she here-"

I paused when I realised the room was empty. Did she leave? I ended up searching for her. After looking for her throughout the building yet couldn't find her. So I decided to search her outside the building.

Ha Yi-chan?

What's he doing here?

I ran towards his direction and saw that he was talking to some girl. But as I got closer I realised that girl was none other than Chungha.

"Ha Yi-chan!!!!!", I called his name to get his attention as I skipped towards them. But all of a sudden Chungha lost her conscious, Yi-chan held her.

"What's wrong?", I panicked looking at Chungha's condition. She was pale as hell.

"I don't know. Let's go to the hospital now. Help me"

I helped Yi-chan to get her on his back as I carried Chungha's and my bag while running behind Yi-chan who was carrying Chungha.

(Context: This is the episode when Eungyeol gets electric shock and he is brought to the hospital)

The doctor informed us that she fainted because of fever and luckily she was fine and good to go once she wakes up.

"You know her?", I look at Yi-chan curiously because according to Eungyeol, they met in a sign language course.

Yi-chan explained that she was the one who gave him the concert ticket few days back.

"You can go, I'll take care of her", said Yi-chan. He knew how strict my homeroom teacher was. I had already written an apology letter in the morning. Normally, I would've not left but judging the situation it was best for me to leave as Yi-chan and Chungha would get some time alone. Maybe that would help him lose interest in Sekyung.

I waved him a goodbye and made my way towards the exit.

A strong arm pulled me, startling me. If not him, I would have definitely crashed with the wheelchair coming my way.

"Careful there, aaga(kid)", a strong Busan satoori couldn't go unnoticed by me and that voice was too familiar.


Once I saw his face I was sure, it was my grandfather, Doctor Yeon Yi-Jin. He's the one who named me. He was the one who was by my side when mother was at work. That's when realisation hit me. Grandma must be alive.

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