61. Yet to come

757 68 49

Yeon Yi-joo

I busted my room's door open, just to witness Chungha curled up in a corner, timidly. Without wasting a second, I ran towards her, getting her attention with a pat on her shoulder. She lifted her gaze from the floor to me. Her eyes begin to tear up as soon as she saw me, breaking my heart.

“Are you alright?”, I questioned.

But instead of answering, she busted into tears, sobbing out loud. It was the first-ever time I heard her voice. I pulled her into a hug as she continued crying. I barely had an idea about what happened. When I came back from the date, Yi-chan told me that Eungyeol brought her since she was not safe at her home. I figured out it had to be because of that lady at her place.

After she was a little better, I let her borrow my clothes and prepared a bath for her. While she was taking the bath, Eungyeol explained me about the whole situation. She was literally locked in her house. But gladly, Eungyeol had the situation in control so it was really fortunate.

Grandma called everyone out to lighten up the mood by playing Go stop, which surprisingly works as Chungha's face was not gloomy anymore. Yi-chan and Eungyeol had also joined us, they were talking outside the guesthouse.

Let's start again”, Yi-chan screamed, flipping up the mat, messing up the entire game.

“Are you serious? I was going to win, you dumbass”, I smacked his back, totally pissed off at his actions.

Before smacking him for the second time, he ran and hid behind Chungha who was glaring at me as Yi-chan was teasing me. I was bluffed at the couple's action. I looked around to find Eungyeol to take my side, but he was nowhere to be found.

“I won't play. I'm going!”, I stomped my legs and walked away from the group. I checked the whole guesthouse, but Eungyeol was still missing. I walked towards the entrance of the guesthouse.

Maybe he's outside.

And I was right, he was sitting on the stairs, hiding his face in his palms as I heard his soft sobs.

“Gyeol-ah”, I walked near him, giving him a hug while patting his back softly as my eyes also started to tear up. He pulled apart from me, wiping off his tears.

“You're doing great, gyeol. I'm so proud of you”, I rubbed his back in a circular motion, gazing at him with utmost care.

He looked up, meeting my eyes with his teared ones, “I thought I was the only one suffering”, he sniffed, wiping the fresh batch of tears leaving his eyes and continued, “They went through so much before becoming my parents”.

“But you got everything right, didn't you? Yi-chan will be able to hear just fine in the future, and you saved Chungha from that toxic environment. From now on, only happy things are on their way. So stop worrying, okay?”

He nodded at my words, “I won't cry anymore”

“I sincerely hope that nothing in life makes you cry but if you want to cry, then come to me, okay? Or now that you have Sekyung, speak to her. She's nice. She'll listen to your concerns”

“I will but just because I have a girlfriend doesn't mean that you'll not be my best friend, okay?”

“I know, idiot. But we need to keep some distance you know? It's best for the two of us if we don't want to lose each other in the future”

“Yes, ma'am”, he bowed dramatically, making me roll my eyes at his gestures.

“So? What about your parents?”, he questioned, making a sigh escape from my mouth.

“La Vida Ahjussi says I know about it but no matter how much I tried to remember it doesn't work. I can't remember a fucking thing. Like, how can I forget something so important? That Ahjussi literally burned the diary in front of my eyes”

“Are you serious? He burned it?”, he asked, as I nodded at his words.

“That's too much. We have limited days, you remember right?”, he looked at me with concern.

“For now, I asked my grandparents to support mom in her music career. That's it”

“Will that help?”

“It's better than doing nothing. She'll be able to do something she loves. Seeing her here made me realize the shine she lost in the future. I wish she stays like the seventeen years old Sujin once we reach home”


“Ahjussi!! Are you really going to be like this? You should help me”, I whined at the la Vida Ahjussi, who was enjoying music in his chair.

“Help? Why would I?”

“Eungyeol got everything figured out. Even the accident got shifted to me, and Yi-chan's safe now. I also want to help my parents and make life a little better once I go back”

Instead of answering to my words, he abruptly stood from his chair and walked near me.

“Who says the accident is prevented?”

“Didn't it shift to me?”

“It did shift. But not from Yi-chan but from Hyunyul. You saved him from a painful leg injury. And about Yi-chan's accident. It's still gonna happen”

And before I could ask him about the time of accident, I woke up from my dream. Without wasting, I second, I ran out, witnessing Yi-chan and Chungha having an ice cream date.

“Where is Eungyeol?”, I questioned Yi-chan.

I don't know. Maybe at Sekyung's”


And that's how I ran towards Sekyung's place without even taking a shower. I reached there pretty soon and knocked on the door loudly.

Sekyung opened the door, looking alarmed.

Eungyeol, is he inside?”, I questioned as she nodded.

“Are you alright?”, Eungyeol came walking towards the door from inside.

“The accident, it's yet to happen”

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