42. Don't give up music

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Yeon Yi-joo

"All good?"

Eungyeol questioned as we completed performing one song. I shook my head at his words, pointing at my guitar, "It's buzzing"

"Let me see", Hyunyul took the guitar from me and started to inspect it. "It's the strings. We can buy new ones," he explained.

"But why are you using this? Don't you have a better guitar at home?" Yi-chan interrogated, walking towards me.

"It's not mine," I answered. It belonged to that Ahjussi, and I was going to return it to him anyway. My conscience didn't let me use it especially when it was my mom's diary I bartered it for.

"It's fine, we'll fix it today", Hyunyul passed me a water bottle.

Everyone was resting.

I took a seat on the sofa with my notebook, mind mapping about the song I was writing about the things I've been feeling recently. It was such a great opportunity for me to express everything and put everything into a song. That's what I loved the most about music. I get a chance to record my memories, my feelings, and my youth and when I get a chance to listen to it again, I'd get to feel everything I felt while writing that song.

My eyes fluttered open as I tried adjusting to the sunlight which entered through the window. Scrunching my eyes, I scanned the location. I was in the practice room. Hugging something soft. I looked at the thing I was clutching on, and I realized it was not a 'thing'. Instead, it was a person and that person had to be Hyunyul.

I almost got off him, but then I realized he was sleeping too. And it was impossible to get off him without waking him up. I raised my head to get a look at his face. My eyes moved from his eyebrows then to his eyes, nose, and then his lips, reminding me of that night. The number of times I tried to push off the thoughts about that kiss was unhealthy.

Unconsciously, my mind trailed off to the thoughts of how soft his lips were. To be honest, it wasn't really a kiss, it was just a peck. But it was my first kiss, so I was definitely affected by that. I would be lying if he didn't sway my heart and made me forget of Eungyeol for that moment. And the position we were in didn't help me. My head on his shoulder, his arms around me, and mine around his torso.

When did I even fell asleep?

"If you want to kiss me, you can", my heart literally fell off the rib cage when I saw Hyunyul opening his eyes.

Shit! I was actually gawking at his lips.

"Why would I! Are you crazy?" I pushed him away and stood up from the sofa.

"You know that, too, you're falling for me, more and more. Am I wrong?" He sneered.

No, you aren't.

"Stop fucking around and tell me how I ended up there?" I snapped at him, pointed out the place I was sleeping.

Hyunyul sat properly and ask me to take a seat. Then he explained how I dozed off on his shoulder. And the other guys went for having lunch, but he couldn't because I was sleeping on him and how he also ended up sleeping. I started feeling guilty that I made him skip his lunch.

"Should we go and eat as well? The others might return soon"

"They won't"

Yi-chan and Eungyeol went with Chungha and Sekyung to get stuff for our group photoshoot. Saebum went home, Si-guk to Church and Majoo went to get our shirts.

We ended up eating some corn dog and made it to
White night music shop, to buy guitar strings for my guitar.

"It's fine", Ahjussi refused to take the money for the strings as I asked him the price.

"Aniyo, Ahjussi. You are already helping us with the location. How could we-"

"I'm giving it to you because you're like my daughter"


"Just take it, Yijoo-ya", Hyunyul pulled my hand holding money back.

"But promise me one thing", Ahjussi gazed at the both of us, seriously and continued as we nodded at his words, "Don't give up music like I did"

The way he said those words was so sorrowful that it made me question what happened to him to say something like that.

We exited the shop soon after Hyunyul had a small talk with the owner. He was walking me back to the guesthouse.

"I wanted to ask you something", he spoke as I monitored him to continue.

"That Eunho Oppa you mentioned that day. Is he handsome? More than me?"

Was he jealous of Eunho Oppa?


I answered nonchalantly, "There is no comparison. You have the bad boy style, and oppa gives Church Oppa vibes"

"So, what style do you like?" He gazed me with eagerness.

"Um......... Song Joongki style?"

"Song Joongki? Who's that?"

"My sun, my mafia, my first and eternal love", I clutched my heart and closed my eyes while I expressed my love towards my first celebrity crush Actor Song Joongki.

When I opened my eyes and glanced at Hyunyul, he looked perplexed. Of course, because Song Joongki was yet to become famous.

"You hurt your head or something?" He questioned, staring at me with a serious expression. My jaw literally dropped after listening to his words.

"How dare-"

Hyunyul's out of nowhere laughter confused me, "You should have seen your face. So adorabl-"

"Stop and go now, also sleep tight. We'll have to practice a lot tomorrow" I pushed him away before he gets a chance to say something stupid.

I stood there at the entrance of the guesthouse, watching his fading figure, but he turned around and screamed, "SARANGHAE, YI-JOO!!!!!!", And flashed the biggest smile.

This crazy bi-

Like there was no need of screaming like that. I ran inside my room and closed the door without looking back at him, clutching my heart which was beating abnormally, while catching my breath.

I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. As soon as I noticed that I was grinning from ear to ear, I knew I was in trouble. One thing was for sure, I was happy around him, but deep inside I also knew that the closer I get to him, the more devastated I was going to be. Just because,

I don't belong here.

I was going to leave now or someday for sure. But the La Vida Ahjussi's words flashed inside my mind.

"Aren't you supposed to enjoy it more? Because it's limited"

I was happy and nothing was wrong for me to enjoy myself. So I decided to keep all my worries away and enjoy my time here.

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And new chapter once this reaches 55 votes and 40 comments.

Have a great day ahead 😚

Luv y'all 💞

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