21. New girl

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Yeon Yi-joo

"Sorry. I keep apologising to you"

"Yah, it's fine. I was being careless this time", I patted on my bedding, monitoring him to take a seat. "So? That girl returned back? Out of nowhere?", I questioned as he sat.

"That's what doesn't makes sense. Ajhumma was supposed to stay in abroad", Eungyeol started explaining me about everything.

So that Sekyung girl was supposed to never come back until a couple decades but she was back now. So when Eungyeol asked her why she returned she said she wanted to die and that's why she came back. But things didn't add up. There was no way she'd die because if she did how would've Eungyeol got to meet her in the future. It was confusing as hell.

"I went to check on her now"

"You did?", I looked at him, totally stunned by his out-of-character behaviour.

Is he concerned about her? I ignored the ruckus inside my mind and got back to Eungyeol.

"But when I asked her why she's doing this she said it's because of me"

"That means you changed the past?", that was the conclusion I came across.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Yi-joo. I'm tired of everything"

I placed my hand over his, "We'll figure this out together, 'kay?"

"Hopefully but have you seen Yi-chan? He's gone nuts. That brat doesn't even bother to come and ask you about your condition. He's busy telling others about Sekyung", he fuelled up.

"But it's not his fault. He's just delighted that his crush said she'd like to know him. Now tell me. Wouldn't you react the same if the girl you like shows interest in you?", He paused after listening to my explanation.

"Thanks, Yi-joo. Talking with you made me grasp the situation better and now I exactly know what to do. Go to sleep now and I'm once again sorry for today", with that he left my room.

Choi Sekyung.

I look forward to meet you.


"Yi-joo eonnie!!!!"

I was about to exit my school as it was time for the first practice of the band but someone called my name making me stop. I turned around and saw mom. How does she know my name?

"Finally", she was sweating like crazy while catching her breath. "I wanted to talk to you since yesterday", she says. I ask her to take a seat on the bench near the bus station which was opposite to our school gate.

It turned out that she saw me yesterday but couldn't catch up because I was in a hurry. "I asked a senior eonnie, she told me about you", the Busan satoori(accent) she used couldn't get unnoticed by me. It sounded adorable. Mom had lost her satoori in the present since she had settled in Seoul for decades now.

"So you are a junior?", I questioned her to started a conversation.

"I am. I transferred here from Busan because of my father's job. Yesterday was my first day of school. And I wanted to thankyou for the ice cream you bought me that day"

"You don't have to"

"I insist, eonnie. Let's have ice cream together"

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