66. Dear Mr. Darling

522 71 22

Yeon Yi-joo


“Oppa-”, My voice shivered as I tried to speak.

Are you alright? Hyunyul isn't home—”

“I know. Can I wait until he comes?”, I requested without giving a thought about anything else.

“First come inside. I'll give you some clothes to change into before you catch cold”, Hyunjae oppa made way for me to enter their house and ran inside to get me some dry clothes before I could say anything.

I didn't even bother to take a seat as my clothes were drenched in the rain and stared at Hyunyul's photo hanging on the wall as his hurtful voice played inside my mind on repeat.

“What about me?”

That's what he said before leaving me all alone in the park. He said he wanted to be alone. He wanted some time. But time was something I didn't have. So here was I, shamelessly at his place waiting for him. His broken words broke my heart too. I never thought about him or his feelings. I just kept pushing the truth away and now everything was just too painful.

Here, change into these, Hyunyul's room is on the left and I just made some porridge so have some. I need to get back to work now”, he patted my head and walked towards the door. He almost left but then turned back, facing me.

“I don't know what happened but if it's Hyunyul's fault, then I give you permission to do whatever you want to get his shit together and if he doesn't return, then call to the police station. It's on the speed dial so just long press 1, Arraseo?”

“Yes, thank you so much Oppa",

“Aniya, I'm leaving now. Take care”

After changing into a very familiar sweatshirt of Hyunyul, I went inside the kitchen as I remembered about the porridge but instead of eating I made a U-turn and went back to Hyunyul's room as I had no appetite as I actually thought of eating anything.

I plopped myself on his bed as I looked around his room. A whole wall in his room was nothing but posters of Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Queen, and countless indie bands. The number of guitar picks I found around his house was sick. Like almost over a dozen, and he keeps complaining about losing them every single time we had a practice.

He also had a cassette player when I tried to turn on the player to stop myself from thinking about what happened, I realized there was no cassette inside it. But I remembered seeing few cassettes laying on the couch outside. Without wasting any time I ran towards get them and got back while checking out the name written on it.

I was surprised to see the name of my song over one and others said, 'Dear Mr. Darling'. I decided to play Love Poem first.

No sooner I pressed the play button, my ears filled with Hyunyul's voice singing the first verse of my very own song, realizing this was the same thing we recorded in the studio that yesterday. While recording, I asked him to sing the whole song as he himself wasn't really a bad vocalist, but he kept pestering for me to join in as well. So I ended up singing the second verse and the chorus together.

Soon the song ended just like I ended up in tears once again. I barely had anytime and Hyunyul was still not home. I did have a thought about searching him but the chances of his returning were more than any other place. I went out and looked around hoping that I'd find him but returned with disappointment.

“Ha Eungyeol!”

“Yi-joo? Are you with Hyunyul? I saw him earlier so I left with Yi-chan"

I ended up telling Eungyeol about everything over the call.

“What should I do now?”

“Stay there for now. I'll let you know if he comes to the guesthouse”




“Thank you for today. If not you, then things would go bad for Yi-chan"

“Aniya, at least we prevented the accident”

“But still, thank you so much. And don't worry he'll be back just wait for him”

With that, he hung up the call, and I was once again back inside his room as I ended up playing the 'Dear Mr. Darling'.

“Yeon Yi-joo", I heard my name being called as the not really perfect background music was being played.

So you really did leave me? How's abroad? Of course, you're going to break hearts of too many foreign guys. But if you end up liking a blue-eyed, good-looking guy then remember that your Dear Mr. Darling is devastated and dying for you.

But if you find someone better than me— but never mind as that won't happen anyway. Sarang-handa, Yeon Yi-joo", his voice-over ended as he started to sing a sweet melody.

(Hoping you guys would listen to this song while reading this)

"🎶My dear darling
By the time this reaches you
You're not darling anymore
Just skim through and toss it away

I may not know, but with you
It felt like dancing Tango
I may not know, but with you
It felt like walking on the roof

I'll never love you again
I won't try anymore
I'll never love you again
Just skim through and toss it away, baby

After the cold winter, finally spring comes
Sorry, you

I won't try anymore
I hope you're happy, yeah, I wish you well

Please be happy
Please be joyful
I'll be for you
Please don't be gloomy
Please don't be blue
I'll be for you
My darling you🎶"

The song ended, leaving me in a dilemma. I was not really sure about what this song meant. But I got my answer sooner than expected as his recorded voice filled my ears once again, “I know I told you that I'll wait for you. But I'm not really sure how I am going to live after you go. I don't have courage to have a long-distance relationship. I know I acted all tough before you left only because I didn't want to hold you and your career back.

This is my breakup gift. Thank you for being my youth”

Don't come after me😭

Trust me I have better things planned for them 😭😭

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