25. Twinkling Watermelon

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Yeon Yi-joo

"Let's have lunch together"

"I'm not hungry"

"Please? Give me some company?", I tried to take Chungha with me for lunch. She looked really weak.

She looked at me confused. Then I remembered, I didn't teach her the sign language of the word company. I took a book and wrote it. She read it and wrote something and gave me the book, only this time.

I flashed her a smile and linked my arms with her as we both walked towards the cafeteria, ignoring the stares we were getting. I just didn't understand why was everyone behaving so bad towards Chungha. She's such a sweetheart.

"I heard you got perfect score in yesterday's math test", it was Yoon Sang-ah.

I didn't like her.

"So?", I questioned looking at her with a stone face.

"You should hang out with me not this loser", she literally pushed Chungha and linked her arms with me.

The audacity.

I pulled my hand back with force making her bump into the nearby wall which I totally ignored and went to check on Chungha. And thank god that she was alright because if she got hurt the Sang-ah girl would have to face some serious consequences.

"Yeahhhhhh, Yeon Yi-joo!!!!", She screamed my name but I ignored her and walked towards the cafeteria with Chungha who was having her head low. Once we reached the table, I volunteered to bring the food for both of us.

I settled on the table after fetching the food as Chungha was still looking down. I patted on her shoulder to get her attention. I took my book and wrote, Why are you putting your head down?

She read it but stayed still.

I let out a sigh and wrote again, Did you do something wrong?

This time she moved her head saying no.

So keep your head up. Unless and until you don't stand strong people will keep taking advantage of you. Do you understand?

As she was reading what I wrote her eyes began to tear up. What the actual hell are you going through Chungha?

"Oh lord", I got up from my seat and took a seat beside her, wrapping my arms around her. She felt like a glass doll, so delicate, as if she'd break if I hug her tightly.

She broke the hug after a minute and took the book from me, Why aren't you asking me anything?

Because it's your choice. You can tell me when you want and even if you don't want to tell me it's totally fine, I understand.

A small smile appeared on her face as she looked at me, "Thank you, pretty one"

Pretty one, she called me pretty one.

I almost busted into tears when she used those sign language. I told her how to call people's name in sign language. And even in the present it was Aunt Chungha how gave me that name.

"You like it? Pretty one?"

"I love it, Twinkling Watermelon"

She looked confused, I took the book and wrote it down,  Twinkling Watermelon.

"But why?", She asks.

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