37. Drawing line

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Yeon Yi-joo

"you heard?"

Hyunyul nodded at my words while making his way towards me after closing the door as Eungyeol stormed out of the room. I knew what I did was stupid. I was a millisecond away from confessing Eungyeol that I liked him but all the memories we had together flashed in front of my eyes making me realize that those three words were too risky, and I had no guts to take up that risk. I was a coward. A fucking coward.

That's how I ended up bluntly dragging Hyunyul into this mess.

“I'm sorry”

“It's fine, Yi-joo. Go and wash your face. Let's have dinner, Halmoni is calling you”, he caressed my hair softly and left me alone in my room.

I was so glad that he asked me nothing about what happened and why I lied about us dating. After washing my face, I made it to the dinning table. By default, I walked towards my unreserved reserved seat beside Eungyeol, but then someone's coughing sound got me back to sense. It was Hyunyul, monitoring me to take a seat beside him with his eyes. Fuck! I almost got caught within an hour after lying.

I whispered a thank-you into Hyunyul's ears and took a seat beside him.

Is this gonna work?

I was already in a bad mood because of my fight with Eungyeol, pulling Hyunyul into this mess made me feel guilty. He was always there for my rescue, and I felt as if I was taking advantage of his kindness. I mentally promised myself to pay him back when he needs me.

While having dinner, Eungyeol's words kept running inside my mind without a break. Especially when he said Chungha was an outcast at her house. That did explain why she never talked about her family. I was dying to ask Eungyeol about the details, but I was not sure if he wanted to talk to me at this point. I was also tired of the drama. I was also angry that he totally forgot about us. But for Chungha, I decided to give it a try.

"Eungyeol, about-”

“Didn't you ask me to leave? I'm leaving”, and he exited the guest house.

This bitch-

I was a second close to beat the shit out of him, but I controlled myself and took a deep breath before running behind him.

YAHHH, HA EUNGYEOL....... PLEASE...... STOP”, I screamed, still running.

I was almost catching him up but then all of a sudden, he stopped, making me bump my head into his back. “Ouch”, I retrieved back, rubbing my forehead.

Gwaenchana?” He finally, looks at me. I nodded at his words and spoke, “I don't want us to fight”

It was tiring as hell. The two of us were already so close and the emptiness on one's absent was so obvious. I hated the fact that I ended up liking him. It messed everything up. But I tried to keep those feelings away and act as rational as I could.

His face softened when he heard my words, transforming back into the Eungyeol I have known throughout my life.

“I'm sorry, I crossed the line earlier”

“I'm sorry too, I was rude”.

Asking him to leave was so hurtful. I was overwhelmed with emotions and I wanted to run away from him at that moment, so I said that. But now, everything felt like an excuse and what I did was wrong.

“So we good? No more sulking”, with completing his words, he wrapped his arms around me. Normally, I would have hugged him back, but this time I couldn't.

It felt so fucking wrong.

He hugged me as a friend, but I couldn't reciprocate the same towards him. So I pulled apart, looking away awkwardly. Promising myself to keep my distance from him until I get over him.

Mian”, he apologized.

No, I'm sorry to fuck things up.

“I get it, you have a boyfriend now. It's not cool to hug another guy, even if it's me”, he spoke nonchalantly. He seemed so cool about it when I was trying my best not to break down.

I still wanted to ask him about Chungha.  I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears and questioned,

“What do you mean by Chungha is an outcast?”

“Long story, it's time for her lesson now. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, and we'll talk on the way to school, okay? Good night, pretty one”, he ran away in hurry, leaving me hanging. He almost bumped into the light pole on the way, making me burst into laughter as he screamed a goodbye before taking a turn.

And that was the Eungyeol I tried to get over.

So sorry guys,
I'm discontinuing this book.

Jk jk 🤣🤣

I won't.
I'm just kinda busy nowadays so I'm not able to post. But still I'm trying my level best to give ya'll an update.

I'll try to post more because I realised that I'm still at the 8th episode of the drama🙃 and there is lots of twists coming in the future updates.

Stay tuned 😌

Happy Valentine's Day ❤️

Have a great day ahead 😚

Luv y'all 3000 <3

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