23. Fate or Coincidence

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-Kang Hyunyul-

They say that people become fools when they fall in love which was absurd for me since forever.  But from the moment I saw Yi-joo in the book shop while I was passing by, I realized I was that fool. That day I ended up spending some part of money I saved to buy a guitar for myself to buy her a book.

I was not in love with her(yet was in silent). I was just really curious about everything related to her. It was the first time I ever spent money on a girl, when I didn't even know her name. At first I thought it was just a passing coincidence, but when I saw her in the practice room, I realized she was the fate that would appear once in my lifetime.  Even if she wasn't, I wanted to think she was.

The more I got to know her the more I was pulled as if something was pulling me towards her. The situation was not really in my favour, but I heard her sing. Her raw yet perfect, soft yet husky, dangerous yet angelic voice made me swoon over her.


I was falling for Yi-joo.

That's when I realised that I fucked up.

I felt her soft hand over mine as all the panic was replaced with relief. I had a phobia of heights since I was in elementary school due to an accident. If someone else asked me to get on the rollercoaster I would have definitely declined but when Yi-joo looked at me with her puppy eyes I just couldn't say no to her. After breaking that eye contact we had, she was all quiet. Does she feels the same?

I shook those thoughts which were groundless from my head and got back to the corn dog. I looked around for mustard when I noticed it was in Yi-joo's hand. After she was done I extended my hand to grab it from her, but when I grabbed the bottle our fingers brushed, making goosebumps spread all across my body. What are you doing to me Yi-joo!

"Leave it"

"I won't"

Eungyeol and Sekyung were fighting over the mustard getting everyone's attention. I looked at Yi-joo who was gazing at Eungyeol. Does she likes him? Even though she declined that day, I felt the two were really close. I remember Yi-joo once told me that they used to be neighbours but I still had a thousand questions inside my mind. Was Yi-chan right? Did Eungyeol follow Yi-joo? If yes then why? Does he likes her? Was that the reason he was acting protective that night?

But I ended up crossing those thoughts inside my brain because it was making me feel restless. And I knew that I was not in the position to ask anything to anyone. It's barely been a week since we got to know each other.

"Oops, I'm sorry. My hand slipped", Sekyung exclaimed as she squeezed all the ketchup inside the bottle over Eungyeol's face making all of us shocked.

Eungyeol stomped up, glaring at her. Yi-joo removed out a handkerchief from her side bag and gave it to him, "Are you alright?", She asks him. My heart pricked with jealousy but I ignored it.

"This won't do. I'll go to the washroom", he returned back her the handkerchief and left towards the washroom leaving her behind.

"Choi Sekyung", Yi-joo called out making the atmosphere tense, "The joke was a bit harsh", she glared at Sekyung and left to catch up with Eungyeol.

"I think I got scolded", Sekyung was speechless.

"I get scolding from her daily. You'll get use to it", Yi-chan laughs, trying to look cool in front of Sekyung.

After having food we all were set to go back home but then Sekyung and Eungyeol were talking away from everyone so Yi-joo volunteered and went to call Eungyeol.

"I'll go with her", I informed the remaining boys and raced towards the direction Yi-joo went. I saw her, she was making her way towards Eungyeol just fine but then she paused, looking at Sekyung and Eungyeol.

Is something up?
I walked near her but she stepped back and turned towards me which caused her head collide with my chest. She looked up and I noticed her eyes shone with tears.


She called out my name. She sounded different. This won't do.

"Can I use the wish now?", I gazed into her eyes softly.

She nods at my words thankfully.

"Let's get out of here"

Just how much I love Hyunyul.

What do you guys think?

Who will be the endgame?

Yi-joo X Hyunyul or Yi-joo X Eungyeol?

As I promised, u guys reached the target so here is the chapter.

And my college starts tomorrow so my updates will be less but I'll try to post atleast twice a week.

Thanks for reading ❤️

And Thanks a ton for 20k reads 😚😚😚😚

Happy New Year ✨✨

I hope all of you have a great year.

Luv y'all 💞

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