56. My Therapist

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“Is it because of her not remembering you?” Majoo took a seat beside Hyunyul who was sitting alone in the backyard of the house.

“You aren't going to punch me?” Hyunyul questioned back with sarcasm.

“Yah! That was because I got so furious”

“What are you? Her dad?” He snapped again.

“I don't know. Maybe she was my daughter in past life. At some point, I started to feel protective towards her”

Hyunyul let's out a sigh. He knew he was being childish. He knew that his feelings for Yi-joo were not helping the situation, so he was acting like a jerk.

So answer me, just because she forgot, you gave up on her?” Majoo asked him again.

Hyunyul said nothing. That silence itself answered the question.

“You should make her remember, oppa. No run away from the problem by giving up”, Sujin walked towards the duo.

“Exactly!” Majoo exclaimed.

“She forgot the past but not her feelings, right? She's still the same Yi-joo. Just be a man and follow her until she remembers everything," Sujin continued.

“It's not easy as it sounds. And you people don't know everything happened between us. If I did what you said, then I'd be pushing her off limits. I would rather not do that”, Hyunyul expressed himself for the first time to the duo.

“What you did already broke her heart! She cried all night when she was at my place. Why would she do that if she's not into you?” Sujin hissed, she was pissed at the older guy for making her friend miserable.

“I don't think so she cried because of me. She's already in a tight spot. I broke up because I didn't want to burden her more”, Hyunyul tried to convince them (or more like convincing himself)

“Then do as you want, and I get it now. You don't like her enough to take some efforts. She deserves someone better than a loser like you”, Majoo spat rudely and left the place.

“Oppa, are you sure you can lose her like this?” Sujin looked at Hyunyul for the last time and when he didn't reply she also ended up following Majoo.

“I guess I'll wait until her memories are back”, Hyunyul murmured to himself as it was only him.

He wanted to hear that answer from her. Even though he did hear that the day before festival, but that was when Yi-joo thought him as her boyfriend. He thought it wasn't sincere. But now after listening to Majoo and Sujin he was having a second thought about everything. Maybe he should've stayed besides her 24/7 so that she gets tired of him and remember him.

“At this rate, you are going to faint, Yi-joo”

“Haejoon?” Yi-joo's eyes widened at the sight of Kang Haejoon.

“Later, let's find a shade first”, he gave Yi-joo the water bottle he had and led the way towards a small convenience store in the village.

After having a conversation on the way, Yi-joo realized that the house they were renting for the camp was Haejoon's grandparent's guesthouse, and he was there for the weekend to rest and assist them.


“So what?” Yi-joo questions him back as they sat, eating popsicles.

“You look lost”

“If I tell you, what will you do?”

“Of course, I'll be happy to assist you if I can”

Yi-joo almost told Haejoon about her concerns but decided it was not a great idea, "Never mind”

“Okay, tell me when you are ready”

She liked how understanding Haejoon was. He never crossed line and always acted as a gentleman. No wonder, Hyunyul got jealous that day.

“Whatever you are going through just let it go, at least for this weekend. After those exhausting practice days, your unfortunate accident and the festival, you deserve a break, Yi-joo. Just enjoy the moment, it's not going to return, you know?”

“I know, thank you for thinking about me”, Yi-joo was so touched listening to his words. So mature for an eighteen years old.

“So? Regretting that you lost such a wonderful boyfriend?”

“And here, I was thinking that you were mature”, Yi-joo laughed off and continued, “Wanna join us for lunch?”

And that's how Haejoon ended up going to the Guesthouse with Yi-joo.

So we are going to get jealous Hyunyul in the next chapter 🤭🤭
I'm finally free now and you'll get a lots of updates now😭😭😭

A/N:So we are going to get jealous Hyunyul in the next chapter 🤭🤭I'm finally free now and you'll get a lots of updates now😭😭😭

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Myung Jaehyun (Boynextdoor)
Kang Haejoon

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