22. Make a wish

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Yeon Yi-joo

"I want to ride that", I pointed out the biggest rollercoaster ride in the whole amusement park.

"It's too scary", Sekyung backed out. Yi-chan also followed her decision like a love sick puppy. I looked at Eungyeol with the puppiest-puppy-eyes a human could ever make but it all went vain. He was so overprotective, while pushing Yi-chan away from Sekyung throughout the day.

We got into so many rides like the pirate ship, bumping car and the water car rollercoaster. Everyone except Eungyeol was enjoying those rides. I did understand where that come from but he kept doing extreme things which were almost annoying even for me.

"Si-guk, Saebum?", The both shook their head making me pout sadly.

"Hyunyul? Come with me, I'll grant you a wish", my puppiest-puppy-eyes makes a comeback. Luckily it worked this time. I looked at Majoo who was giving me a bombastic side eye for doing aegyo which I ignored anyways and pulled his hand with me, "you coming, no excuse"

The line was so short it took us only 5 minutes to walk in. My eyes fell on a warning sign that people might pass out and they are not responsible for any medical emergencies. Did that scare me? Not really but I looked at Majoo who was looking uncomfortable. He's definitely scared.

"I'm sorry I can't do this!!!!!!", He ran away before we could stop him.

Dad is a scary cat.

He ditched us. I glanced at Hyunyul, hoping he won't back out like Majoo. But he walked forward pulling me with him. We took a seat and put on the safety belt holding the handle with both our hands as the staff instructed.

"Are you scared?", I asked him before the ride started.


"You are sweating like crazy"

"It's bec- THIS IS SO FUCKING FAST. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!", He was literally screaming at the top of his voice as the ride started all of a sudden.

I looked at him, he was closing his eyes tightly, making me feel guilty for dragging him into this. I called his name but it was not really audible because of the speed of the rollercoaster. I slowly removed my hand from the handle and grabbed his hand. Hyunyul opened his eyes instantly as he felt my hand, I was already looking at him with concern. Neither of us broke the eye contact.

I felt a tap on my shoulder which made me break the eye contact. That's when we realised that the ride had already ended and everyone had already left the rollercoaster.

He's your father's age for goodness sake.

I shook my head getting rid of all the unholy thoughts I was having inside my mind.

"Let's go", he stood up.

I silently followed him towards the food section where everyone was gathered.

"You are going to grant me a wish, right"

"Um, O-Of course", I replied, avoiding any eye contact.


"Yah, Ha Eu-"

"So you like me", I paused when I heard Sekyung's words. She was talking to Eungyeol. After having food we all were set to go back home but then Sekyung and Eungyeol were talking away from everyone so I went to call Eungyeol as it was getting late. But then I overheard their conversation. My brain froze for a moment. What does she mean by that?
I stepped back before they could notice my presence. I turned around and bumps into something or someone. I glanced up as my eyes started to collect tears.

"Hyunyul?", My voice sounded so weird as it cracked when I called his name.

"Can I use the wish now?", He asks me.

I nod at his words not knowing what else to do.

"Let's get out of here"

Last update of the yearrrrrr.

Next chapter when this chapter reaches more than 50 votes and 20 comments.

(Spoiler: Next chapter is in Hyunyul's POV)

Thanks for reading ☺️

Have a great day ahead 😘

Luv y'all ❤️

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