[ Chapter 43 ]

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Y/n's pov.

" Was that the signal? " I gasp.

" No, that's a fire blast, not an explosion, something went wrong " Zane said as we look up at trees which has caught fire from the blast.

" No "

" Hey! " Zane shouts after Devon made a run for it towards the fire.

" Zane!, Wait! " I shout when he starts running too and I had no choice but to run as well.

We keep running and I'm surprised that I'm actually really fast as I caught up to Zane.

" What's the plan?! " I asked.

" Just go after him! " He said.

I look back front and see Devon ahead of us, we just run as fast as we could because he's somehow faster than us and slowly the place around us start to get familiar and some of the tree are on fire.

" Hold up! " I see Zane managed to grab Devon's arm and we slow down in front of the cave.

" Let go! " Devon shouts.

" You can't go in there!, It could be a trap! " Zane shouts.

" But Ein and the others are in there " I said as I pant.

" We don't know what caused the fire blast! " Zane said.

" I don't have time for this! "

I gasp when Devon shoves Zane and run inside.

" Hey! " I shout and Zane caught his balance as he groan in frustration.

" You stay out here! " Zane turns to me before turning to the entrance.

Before I could say anymore he runs in.

" Oh come on!, Now your making me want to go in! " I shout then just run in the cave.

" Zane! " I see him turning a corner so I just followed.

Hearing our footsteps just echoes in this cave and I manage to catch up with them until I hear another roar.

It was an all too familiar roar.

At the end of the tunnels I see Zane slowing down and a blast of fire blazing in front of him.

" Zane " I said and pant as I stood beside hum.

But my eyes looked ahead where I see the big Holo blue colored dragon with chains attached to the wall and he's just struggling. Our guards just stand by ready to strike.

" Y/n!, Zane! " We both turn our heads to see Ein behind a wall with four children and Cathleen waving over.

We didn't waste time and run over there, Ein pulls me down.

" You were supposed to wait for the signal! " He asked.

" Well a fire blew the roof of the cave and the forest caught on fire!, Looks like an explosion to me! " I break out in sarcasm.

" It doesn't matter anymore, Jareth ran out through the back, Katelyn went after him. . .and Y/n " I turn my head to Cathleen who's holding unconscious little boy with strawberries blond hair.

" What happened? " I asked as I get closer.

" He looked fine earlier, but then just collapsed beside me " she said.

I lift his eyelids to see his blue lapis eyes the start checking him.

" He's feels fine " I said as I touch his forehead.

I look over to the other three children who seems healthy but poorly dressed, they all look terrified.

" Have you seen Devon? " Zane asked.

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