[ Chapter 13 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" I thought we'd see each other in a few weeks like you said " I said.

" I didn't know you were coming today, it was merely a coincidence " he said and see he has pulled his mask down.

" You were silent just now at the gazebo " I said.

" When it comes to around people I don't like to talk, it seems to be just a waste of breath to share an opinion, even if it matters or not " he said.

" Your talking to me " I said, he smiles.

" I'm quite comfortable around you " he said.

" So other people make you uncomfortable? " I asked, he chuckles.

" It's not like that, I'm used to being quiet, part of the training to keep my mouth shut and not expose our military information " he said, I hum as we walk down this pebble path.

" Why did you say you wouldn't see me for weeks? " I asked.

" Viktor, the clan leader of Aquarius seems to notice my disappearance from time to time so I wanted to take a break " he said.

" I understand " I said, he smiles down at me.

" I appreciate it " he said, I smile back.

" So, when do you think we can spend our time together more?, With training I mean " I said.

" I think you've done all the training you need " he said.

" Really? " I asked.

" There's something you should know, the northern boarders people has been very daring lately, there's a few who made their way in our kingdom without permits, it's best if you stay alert or stay out of trouble " he said.

" Really? " I asked, he nodded.

" Alright "

Well lucky me, trouble always finds it's way to me

We hear the sound of laughter, I look in front of us where I see Aaron, Ein and Gene by the stream with their shoes and socks off holding spears. Alecia, Travis, Olivia and Laurence under another gazebo, I see Ein strike down his spear and seem to missed something.

" Caught anything?! " I asked as I approach and all of them turn their heads this way.

" One so far " Aaron said.

" Lady Y/n, care to join us for some tea? " Travis asked.

" Y/n, there's cakes and pudding here if you'd like " Olivia said.

" Sure, Zane? " I turn to Zane.

" No thanks, I needed to finish my reading " he gesture to the book he's holding.

" Is reading all you do? " Alecia asked in a lame tone.

" Leave the man and his book " Laurence said then sip his tea again before the maid takes it away and serve him his plate of pudding.

" Some of us prefer reading than conversation so, Zane can have his time alone if he'd like " I smile at Zane and I didn't realize she had his mask back and he bows.

" I'll be taking my leave " he said then walk away.

" Bye " I said and he continues on to walk away, I sigh then turn around to take my seat in between Laurence and Olivia.

I notice Calliope is here and she serves me a slice of the vanilla cake, I smile at her as a thanks and she place the small spoon next to me. I start eating the cake and at the same time watch the boys try to catch some fish while on this table the girls just gossip but I don't bother to listen, as for Laurence and Travis they're just relaxing with their tea, cakes and puddings.

Stargazing【Zane X Reader】[ Ongoing ]Where stories live. Discover now