[ Chapter 45 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Your alive! "

I got the air knocked out of my lungs as mom hugs me.

" Yup, still breathing " I said as I hug her back and she pulls away.

" Let me look at you! " She starts spinning me.

" No cuts?, No scratches?, Stab wounds?!, Impalements?!, Deadly disease?! "

" Mom! " I push her hand off and smile with my palms together.

" I'm not injured, thankfully " I said.

She sighs in relief and hold my face.

" You could've sent a letter or something! " She yanks at my ear.

" Ahh! " I shriek from the pain as I tilt my head.

" It's only been three days! " I exclaim as I cry.

" And you couldn't lift a pen to write me?! "

" I can't write! " I whine and she groans before letting go.

I sniffle as I rub my ear.

" Dad " I pout and he chuckles as he approach in his crutch.

" It's good to see you back " he hugs me and pull away as I continue to sooth my ear.

" How was your first time out of the city? " He asked.

" Adrenaline pumping, I mean we did have to deal with a guy who intentionally set fire to a man but we manage to calm things down after I almost got ran over by a crowd " I said.

I turn to mom who gasped.

" But!, Zane pulled me away quick enough, then we had to do a night mission to a cave which had a live dragon inside that almost roast all of us alive "

She kept her mouth open and a small squeak is heard.

" And it was friendly in the end! " I said as she closes her mouth but her eyes are just open wide and hand over her chest.

" Thanks to a guy that died the very same night, he's dead because he saved Zane from getting stabbed and he got stabbed instead in the heart " I said.

" Also Cathleen and Ein went to send the boy home to his father along with the other kids to the orphanage" I smile.

" M/n breathe "

Dad reached his hand to her but she's already leaning backwards.

" Mom! " I wince as Austin and Ellis caught her.

" It's so hot in here " she said as they help her sit down on the couch.

" Get her a glass of water " dad said and his manservant walks out of the room.

" Mom " I said and she holds her head before looking up at me.

" I am okay " I said.

She sighs again and smile.

" I guess you don't need me anymore " she said as she looks at dad.

" Don't say that mom, we all still need you " Ellis said as she kneels down next to her.

" We have each other, no one messes us " she said.

Dad then sat beside mom and lean her head on his shoulder, the servant came back with a glass of water and dad pass it to mom before she takes a sip.

" I'm glad to have you all " mom said and I sit down next to dad as Austin stood behind the couch.

" By the way " I said and they turn to me.

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